OK...we've kind of beat up the 'click thing' so I think it will be fine if we don't worry about it.
Now...before you remove your starter (especially if it's hard to do), make sure you've got power to it when you try to start it. There are several ways you can find out. Do you have an electrical meter? If not, you'll want to get one because they're cheap and really come in handy when working on these bikes.
You can put one probe on the positive post of the starter (the one with the wire attached) and the ground probe on the starter body. Then have your sweetie push the starter button (with the ignition on). You should get a good reading of 12 volts, or thereabouts. You could also just test continuity between the solenoid post and the starter post.
If you don't have a meter, disconnect the starter wire and use automotive jumper cables on the starter by putting the positive one on the post and ground the negative one on the starter body or the frame of the bike. (Don't have your Volvo's engine running when you do it.) It's possible that the starter could turn over doing that but still not turn over with the bikes battery...but no need to explain that until you try one of the tests. I prefer the first one.
Don't worry a bit about asking questions.....everybody's happy to help!