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Gas milage

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    Gas milage

    I have a GS550L that has been getting high thirties since i bought it two years ago. I have been slowly fixing it and always kind of figured the low mileage was a symptom of things like un-synchronized carbs or valve tappet clearances. Now I have fixed everything that seems like it would affect mileage and it is still low. What could be some of the problems?
    I use my bike for a 25 mile commute every day I travel about 65-70 mph.

    Is the bike stock or modified? Also, how is the compression?

    To measure is to know.

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      Should be near 50 mpg, ignition timing, cam timing, air filter, brake drag, low tire pressure, tired chain and sprockets, too rich, too lean, chugging the engine, all these and more can cause low mileage. Could be a combination of a lot of little things.

      Life is too short to ride an L.


        errrrrr driver rotational input! I get around 43 mpg with mine.


          what do you concider low?

          i got 49mpg on my 1100 last fillup=good
          13mpg in my jeep on my last fillup=low but still normal for it

