Anyway, this morning I popped the plugs off (what a pain that was).. From the other postings I did see that these air plugs had o-rings so I removed the air plug from the number 1 carb and I found that the o-ring was actually in really good condition.. it was clean, it was very flexible and did not seem to be at all in danger of falling apart.
i have new rings, thanks to Robert Barr, but I'm wondering if anyone has ever done the carb cleaning process and just left these air screws alone.
the other thing was that removing the air screw took some doing.. i mean, i really had to be careful not to damage the screw head, then, putting it back in took some very careful work because it's not like this thing screwed back in easily.. if you'll excuse the language, i had to do some hard screwing to get the thing back down all the way, and seated. then i gave it a turn and half out as per the procedures i've read on the forum.
but i'm wondering if it's just better the leave the other three air screws alone or if I should indeed pull them all out, inspect the o-rings, and go through the whole process with each one.
also, for those of you who have done these carb jobs before, is it always necessary to replace the o-ring on the air screws? Like I said, the one on No. 1 was in good shape so I didn't replace it. But was that a mistake?
Any thoughts, suggestions, comments are much appreciated.
Thanks. Oh, and this is for the CV carbs on a 1980 GS850G.