currently pulling the forks down on my first GS in a long time, which I bought a couple of weeks ago. I need to replace the fork seals as one of them is leaking, and will be checking all the internals along the way.
I am a complete mechaical novice, and this is the most major mechanical thing I have ever undertaken! Have found some great advice on here through the search feature as well as BassCliffs site, but have a couple of pressing questions:
The bike is a 1980 GSX750ET
1. Damper Bolts - can anyone tell me the correct size hex socket to fit this bolt? I know that I don't have the right size at the moment and want to be sure to buy the right one. 6mm?
2. The bolts on these forks are badly rounded so it is difficult to tell what the correct size is, and even when I get the correct size hex, they are so badly mauled that I doubt it will work. Have ordered some replacement bolts. I have no idea how I could get them out. Any suggestions for trying to get a recessed one of these out which has a pretty much rounded off head? They are both in the same condition

3. The forks have light pitting which may or may not have contributed to my seal leaking (if it wasn't them it soon will be!) I'm not going to have the money to have them rechromed for some time. WOuld something like steel wool be ok to try and smooth it out in the meantime, or would steel wool be too harsh and damage the chrome further?
4. Embarassing question (correction - more embarassing

Any help appreciated
