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pilot jet adjusment question...

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    pilot jet adjusment question...

    So.... After much trial and error, my bike is running well...not perfect.

    she still bogs a bit in the 3.5/4.5k range, noticeably in 5th when I am cruising on the highway....but in all the gears in this rpm range. Rich symptoms. I think my mains are good to go as it pulls nice from the 7k to 9k in 3rd. and feels pretty strong right now through all the gears.... except when cruising in that 3.5 / 4.5 k range where she bogs a bit... as in where the needle is being introduced to the pilot.

    So....My needles are currently in the middle notch, 3rd notch from the bottom. Chef recommended I go a half (radio shack washer) step up to 3 1/2 from the bottom. Which I plan on doing this afternoon. Question now arises.

    When I had my needle in the 4th notch from the bottom at one point in the past (leaning the needle) it killed my lower circuit... wouldn't pull well from 2.5k until after 3.5K.... If this happens again when raising the needle a 1/2 step, do I go up one on my pilot jet...or down one? adjusting the mixture didn't seem to do all that much at the time.

    could I be any more confusing...
    Last edited by Guest; 05-28-2009, 04:04 PM.

    I'll just answer my own question with a follow up. I raised the needles to 3.5 notches and she feels much better, except now she is lean in the pilot. So I turned the mixture screw out 1/2 turn. It helped, but not enough. Still lean and popping tomorrow I will turn it out another 1/2 turn which will put me at 3.5 turns out. Doesn't leave me much more room if she is still too lean.

    So I guess I will have to go up one on the pilot if that is the case. Good stuff. glad I could help myself.
    Last edited by Guest; 05-29-2009, 09:28 PM.


      I would go up one on the pilot jets and then readjust the mixture screws.


        well, I'm juuuuust about perfect. I would say I am a ssmmmiddggeenn too lean. No popping at all now, if any, very very minor. I turned the screws out approx 4 turns. THE LAZY WAY, I know. Probably can't go any further....

        I think I'll ride like this for a bit until I muster up time to rip the carbs out and put in the bigger pilots. Then it's back to setting the screws again.

        It's been months that I've been F*cking with the jetting. I can finally go on my 2 hour ride tomorrow with some smooooth jetting. Worth the trouble! Now I can focus on accessories and mods. YEAH!


          Originally posted by maro View Post
          well, I'm juuuuust about perfect. I would say I am a ssmmmiddggeenn too lean. No popping at all now, if any, very very minor. I turned the screws out approx 4 turns. THE LAZY WAY, I know. Probably can't go any further....

          I think I'll ride like this for a bit until I muster up time to rip the carbs out and put in the bigger pilots. Then it's back to setting the screws again.

          It's been months that I've been F*cking with the jetting. I can finally go on my 2 hour ride tomorrow with some smooooth jetting. Worth the trouble! Now I can focus on accessories and mods. YEAH!
          I am at 3.5 out, and pop a little at sea level ish elevation, but in WV this past weekend, didnt pop at all. Prolly need to go up a size on the pilot, but I will prolly just turn it out to 4ish and leave it... its going back to stock soon anyway...


            Originally posted by maro View Post
            well, I'm juuuuust about perfect. I would say I am a ssmmmiddggeenn too lean. No popping at all now, if any, very very minor. I turned the screws out approx 4 turns. THE LAZY WAY, I know. Probably can't go any further....

            I think I'll ride like this for a bit until I muster up time to rip the carbs out and put in the bigger pilots. Then it's back to setting the screws again.

            It's been months that I've been F*cking with the jetting. I can finally go on my 2 hour ride tomorrow with some smooooth jetting. Worth the trouble! Now I can focus on accessories and mods. YEAH!
            Good news!
            Sorry it was such a trial. Usually I'm a better guesser.
            1983 GS 1100E w/ 1230 kit, .340 lift Web Cams, Ape heavy duty valve springs, 83 1100 head with 1.5mm oversized SS intake valves, 1150 crank, Vance and Hines 1150 SuperHub, Star Racing high volume oil pump gears, 36mm carebs Dynojet stage 3 jet kit, Posplayr's SSPB, Progressive rear shocks and fork springs, Dyna 2000, Dynatek green coils and Vance & Hines 4-1 exhaust.
            1985 GS1150ES stock with 85 Red E bodywork.


              Originally posted by TheCafeKid View Post
              I am at 3.5 out, and pop a little at sea level ish elevation, but in WV this past weekend, didnt pop at all. Prolly need to go up a size on the pilot, but I will prolly just turn it out to 4ish and leave it... its going back to stock soon anyway...
              We were experiencing similar issues so that sounds about right. Can't wait to read your WV report.

              Originally posted by chef1366 View Post
              Good news!
              Sorry it was such a trial. Usually I'm a better guesser.
              No problem Bill, Being about 3k mile away and not really knowing about the Duaneage homemade baffle I'm rocking, it was a crap shoot.

              .....blah lakers........ cavs better beat the magic so it can be the lebron/kobe show


                Originally posted by maro View Post

                .....blah lakers........ cavs better beat the magic so it can be the lebron/kobe show
                That's what I don't want. Lakers are a better team but Lebron is a bigger, younger and stronger player. Kobe WILL take the challenge which is exactly what I don't want.
                Get a set of 47.5s for the pilot jets.
                1983 GS 1100E w/ 1230 kit, .340 lift Web Cams, Ape heavy duty valve springs, 83 1100 head with 1.5mm oversized SS intake valves, 1150 crank, Vance and Hines 1150 SuperHub, Star Racing high volume oil pump gears, 36mm carebs Dynojet stage 3 jet kit, Posplayr's SSPB, Progressive rear shocks and fork springs, Dyna 2000, Dynatek green coils and Vance & Hines 4-1 exhaust.
                1985 GS1150ES stock with 85 Red E bodywork.

