O.k. first the update on clearances. Followed by responses to all of today's helpful advice.
I made another trip back to my local shop swapped around my shims.
This is shim size is actual measured size not labeled size because I found the labeled sizes were not accurate enough and were pushing me just beyond spec on one side or the other 2.55x= measured 2.61mm, 2.70x=measured2.75. One more swap for #1 and I am going to seal it up and go for a nice long relaxing ride. I have been tied up in the car for 2 weeks now.
#1-------2.61---.o4 = too tight I am guessing it is between .02-.03
#2-------2.61---.09 = close enough at this point
#1 = 136
#2 = 117
#3 = 115
#4 = 120
Now for the most important, I really do appreciate all the advice and assistance and time everyone has given me on this. I know none of you have to and the only reason you do is because you are all passionate about these bikes as I am.
Thanks Ghost for the Shim Offer. I just read through your posts on the Shim Exchange. I didn't know anyone was doing this very nice. I am almost done now and I will send you my extras for the kit.
I noticed on May 1, 2008 you posted you were going to retire and would no longer have access to the machine shop. I have access to an exceptionally good Mechanical Engineering machine shop at the college that I work. If you need any of the shims ground down to precision I can get it done to an accuracy somewhere around .00001mm. The only draw back is they do not have a tempering area.
Thanks Dan
The head looks like a good buy <fingers crossed>I did just purchase that head. It should be here in about 9 days. If I have trouble before the winter then I will install it then otherwise I will disassemble it and get it ready for my winter rebuild.

Sorry Chef I know you are not normally negative and you have tried to help it was just the "Junk" comment when I have been working so long and hard to complete what should have been a simple singe afternoon project. I'm a guy that rides 7 days a week rain or shine and I guess not riding is starting to get to me.
I have been on the forums for longer than you guys may know. I think it has been at least 3-4 years now. I do a lot more reading than I do posting well at least until this project. Unfortunately I had an exceptionally bad year last year which put me off the forums for about 8 months and all my previous posts appear to have been deleted.