I'm brand new to the site. Please forgive the long post.
I've recently acquired a 1980 GS850G for a project bike. I just started the Thomson Education Direct Motorcycle Repair Technician course and needed something to play with while I learn. Tada! My father loans me a bike that's been sitting in his backyard (out of weather, thankfully) for a couple of years. He currently rides a 1981 Honda Goldwing so he's had no use for the GS....too bad. Anyway, I've already completed my first three study units and have gotten to the point where I can begin disassembling the top end of the engine.
In telling my father my ideas of a complete frame-off custom rebuild, upgrading the headlamp, front and rear turn signals, frame to be repainted to match bike, engine rebuild, pipes re-chromed, etc., he informs me that when I finish, I'm to consider the bike mine. Woohoo! I'm as giddy as a boy on Christmas morning.
I have the manual and have been reading it religiously....trying to familiarize myself with as much of the bike as I can "before" tackling anything. However, I have begun disassembling the "easy" things.....which brings me to the reason I'm posting.
I've removed the headlamp, the front and rear turn signals, the seat, both side plates, and the rear taillight housing. Before anyone freeks, I have been placing everything (bolts, washers, etc.) into individual Glad bags and noting what they go to. In addition, I've been taking digital pics of most everything. Keeping the manual close by. What may not be expressed clearly, I photograph a "before" and "after" shot and describe the process in which the part was removed.....I've been studying restoration projects for a while. I have a very close friend that does this all the time....
Okay, back to the question. I removed the cable to the front stoplamp and, unfortunately, didn't tape it to the front wiring harness before I had a mishap. While moving the bike from my garage to my shed, the cable dropped down and through my front wheel. When all the slack was taken up, I heard a snap and immediately stopped. I sighed when I looked down. The contact board attached to the end of the front stoplamp cable had been snapped in two and fallen completely off. I am now without a way of hooking it back up......which is why I'm here.
Does anyone know of where I can get a replacement? I've searched high and low (internet only) and have failed to find anything. I'm not desperate in any means (just yet) as I'm planning a lengthy rebuild process (want to do it right). I'd just like to know ahead of time where I could get this part (in case I want to go ahead and get anyway).
Yur help is MUCH appreciated!
Cragar 8)