Anyway I think I have narrowed down the problem with my bike but I want to make sure.
I have a 1981 GS850G with approximately 31,000 miles on it. I noticed recently (although I can't say that it hasn't been like this all along) that the #4 cylinder doesn't warm up as fast as the the other 3. I mean after 5 minutes you can still grab the #4 exhaust pipe and can hardly put your hand anywhere near the other 3. Hoping that it was just the plugs or wires, I switched the 1 and 4 wires and started the bike up. Same problem. Then I switched the 1 and 4 plugs and put the 1 and 4 wires back in their original spots. Same problem. So I am pretty sure that it is not the plugs and wires or anything electrical. I decided to do a compression test. I took off all the wires and plugs, disconnected the coils, held the throttle open (w/ the throttle lock) and tested each cylinder by cranking the engine for exactly 7 secs each. In order 1-4: 130, 120, 105, 120. I know that 105 is a little low (never mind that it isnt even the problem cylinder) it probably just needs a valve adjustment or something. Anyway, obviously 120 psi is good. So, does that eliminate everything but the carbs? Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks a lot!
By the way, I have never worked on carbs and know very little about them. Please keep that in mind when suggesting what could be wrong with them.