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How do you adgust the cam chain on a gs850g
You dont. They come from the factory with self adjusting tensioners. You CAN remove the tensioner and assure that it is clean, and functioning properly. DO a search on cam chain tensioner rebuild, Brian Wringer has an excellant tutorial on how to do it.
Exactly, you cant, to see if your camchain is worn, while the engine is running reach under the carbs to the knurl/wheel on the back of the camchain tensioner, turn it clockwise slightly, if it turns in and the engine rattle goes away, you'll need to replace the camchain.
How many miles on your GS, usually they don't start rattling until over 50K or so, it maybe your shims.
The cam chain should go for a long time. There is a spec in the service manual where you are to measure the chain length between a set number of links. The cam chain on Salty Monk's GS1000 with over 80,000 miles still measured well within the spec so don't assume, measure.Ed
To measure is to know.
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