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1978 GS550 Stalls - Fuel Starvation? Distance on one tank?

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    1978 GS550 Stalls - Fuel Starvation? Distance on one tank?

    Hey Folks,

    I recently bought a 1978 GS550 with under 30,000 kms and it has run great! But know it seems that when it heats up, it idles lower than normal and quits at stops etc. (I was idling at around 2000kms, and now is at around 1000kms when it quits). How far can I get on one tank of gas? (More problems seem to arise around 200 kms)

    Also, this morning on my way to work, it quit twice, and took about 5 min to restart - the 2nd time I switched the tank to reserve. When it starts to die it loses power, then comes back, then loses etc, then it just doesn't come back (when I apply the throttle).

    I was also trying to figure what model it was - any ideas? Theres no E on it and it has drum brakes in the rear.. so is it just a plain GS550?

    Its a great bike when it works but I just want to make it more reliable - Thanks for the help!



    1979 GS1000 w/h full fairings, 65k, Winter Project
    1978 GS550C, 30k


    I might that the previous owner blew the fuse to the battery, and it was hard-wired for a while... It now has one of the newer ATO/ATC fuse holders with a 15 amp fuse (instead of a glass fuse which was there before). Thought this might be important...



    1979 GS1000 w/h full fairings, 65k, Winter Project
    1978 GS550C, 30k


      Its sunny out!

      Hey folks,

      I am not sure if I didnt provide enough info - The weather is finally nice here and my bike isnt working good

      I'd love to get some tips/advice... I've done a search without much luck and I am looking at a manual for a 1983 GS550 but mines a 78' and I have limited experience working on engines..

      Any help or pushes in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!



      1979 GS1000 w/h full fairings, 65k, Winter Project
      1978 GS550C, 30k


        Have you done any recent maintenance ? Carb cleaning/dipping, valve adjustment, etc.....
        Larry D
        1980 GS450S
        1981 GS450S
        2003 Heritage Softtail


          Was done before winter

          I just got the bike not long ago and havent done a thing myself - The previous owner changed the oil recently and before the winter he got i serviced (which I am finding out what was done)

          As for the carb cleaning/dipping, valve adjustment... I am not quite sure what that all is - where can I get some basic info? I don't have a lot of time to work on it - if I brought is somewheres to be serviced, what should I ask for? If its and easy check I could do it..

          My main question I guess is should my GS550 be going farther than 200-230 kms on one tank?


          1979 GS1000 w/h full fairings, 65k, Winter Project
          1978 GS550C, 30k



            And thanks a lot for the response Larry

            1979 GS1000 w/h full fairings, 65k, Winter Project
            1978 GS550C, 30k


              Originally posted by Joneman View Post
              I just got the bike not long ago and havent done a thing myself - The previous owner changed the oil recently and before the winter he got i serviced (which I am finding out what was done)

              As for the carb cleaning/dipping, valve adjustment... I am not quite sure what that all is - where can I get some basic info? I don't have a lot of time to work on it - if I brought is somewheres to be serviced, what should I ask for? If its and easy check I could do it..

              My main question I guess is should my GS550 be going farther than 200-230 kms on one tank?

              Your welcome.
              To answer your question, 200-230 km per tank works out to be approx 124-143 miles per tank....and yes, your mileage should be better than that.
              Also, I have some news for you.....These are old bikes, you don't know what's been done to it and what hasn't. That, in and of itself, makes me a little nervous.
              However, there is good news !! You can do everything to get it running in tip-top shape again simply by following the instructions on this site !!

              Heck, I did it, and if I can...anyone can !!

              The absolute best thing to do is a carb rebuilding and dipping. The instructions can be found on the homepage of this site under the carb cleaning series. There is also a treasure trove of info on Cliff's "little" site.

              These carbs need to be spotlessly clean to function properly.

              Next is a valve adjustment. It's regular maintenance that must be done, again, to make the bike run well. The instructions can be found on Cliff's site. These bikes like their valves adjusted, like kids like candy !!

              And finally ALL, and I mean ALL, the electrical connections need to be inspected, cleaned and/or replaced.

              So...I'm sorry to say, that there are no shortcuts or ways around these things. They must be done at some point to make the bike run properly.

              No need to take the bike to a shop. It's going to cost a ton of money and more than likely not be fixed properly anyway. As long as you have some tools and the desire, it's a matter of labor, learning and time.
              Larry D
              1980 GS450S
              1981 GS450S
              2003 Heritage Softtail


                Originally posted by Joneman View Post
                I just got the bike not long ago and havent done a thing myself - The previous owner changed the oil recently and before the winter he got i serviced (which I am finding out what was done)

                As for the carb cleaning/dipping, valve adjustment... I am not quite sure what that all is - where can I get some basic info? I don't have a lot of time to work on it - if I brought is somewheres to be serviced, what should I ask for? If its and easy check I could do it..

                My main question I guess is should my GS550 be going farther than 200-230 kms on one tank?

                200 kms is pretty darned far that should not trouble you.

       is a nice link
                if you cannot find and online source for a manual you should buy one

                having the bike serviced prior to winter storage does not count for much
                if the valves were adjusted at the time they likely will not have suffered from the downtime

                the carbs and fuel system are another matter

                carb cleaning and dipping are much the same thing
                you can cleaning a carb somewhat by shooting carb cleaner from an aerosol can into all the nasty orifices but dipping, the full immersion Baptist vs. catholic way of washing your dried fuel gunk away, invoves removal of the carbs form the bike
                breaking them down into single carbs and a host of other nasty work not easy and only necessary for truly messed up units.

                was this guy ****ting you or was it running strong last summer and fall?

                another nasty thing on old bikes is o rings that seal the intake manifolds ont he bike they get old crack and are a source for variable lean conditions which cause erratic running and can burn valves.

                The basscliff welcome has a ton of information where has he gone anyone?

                Oh and good heavens stay away from a shop and learn how to do the valves yourself its not that hard
                just a learnable and absolutely necessary process.

                I have run this through a spell checker after finally tiring of the keyboard bounced induced typos.
                God I suck at typing…..when will the internet be able to transport stream of consciousness? But I digress…….
                Last edited by Guest; 07-09-2009, 06:15 PM.


                  holy crap it has a 17 litre tank

                  Result of your conversion:
                  • 13.529411764705882352941176470588 km/liter equals 38.218 miles per gallon (British/Imperial).
                  • Result of your conversion:
                    • 13.529411764705882352941176470588 km/liter equals 31.823 miles per gallon (US).
                    • i suppose thats not terrible but mine get 50 to the imperial gallon driving light on the throttle and under 100KMPH
                    • Your should be better
                  Last edited by Guest; 07-09-2009, 06:10 PM.


                    My 550E always does better than that, even when it hasn't been running well. But your symptoms sound like a fuel flow problem, like petcock issue. Try it on prime and put a hose into a gas can to see if fuel is flowing well. This was a problem on my bike to (along with many others problems!) and I got a new manual one from You have a nice looking bike though!



                      Thanks for all the replies!!

                      Prosolar - Can you give a few more details on your procedure? I dont quite follow... Just take a regular hose (like garden hose) and stick one end in the motorcycle tank and the other in a gas can? And did you get a clymer manual? And thanks

                      And its not that my bike flat out has no gas - its still runs, but when it has less gas is when the problems come more often - any benefits of an inline fuel filter? Ive read a lot of yes' and no's towards it, and don't really now if my 550 could take it..

                      Calvin - If I cleaned my carbs with the carb spray, without removing the carbs or anything, wouldnt I be ruining some plastic parts or something? Where should I be spraying, and are the "carb drains" (not sure if this is the right term) just below the carbs, and pretty obvious? The guy I bought if from hardly drove it, and he got knew the whole history - He figures between him and his sister the put maybe 5-6000 kms in the last 5-6 years - and the fella is really a stand up guy unlike most sellers he helped me fix the fuse problem and will change the front tire for free (he works at Canadian Tire) - although I guess it was his fault there was a fuse problem in the first place...

                      Is there a quick way to remove the gas tank?

                      Update: Last night I cleaned the plugs (with carb cleaner - they were quite dark/sooty except for plug #3) on my bike and it started up perfectly and idled at 1500 consistenly - what a difference that made! IT excites me to really get it cleaned up! I didnt take it for a spin though because I really need a new front tire.. I am going to order one soon and get it changed

                      My next plan is to check all the wires and do the stator tests... Any idea how long cleaning the carbs would take for a 90% Newbie? Thanks

                      1979 GS1000 w/h full fairings, 65k, Winter Project
                      1978 GS550C, 30k


                        Quick Reply

                        Oh and I had great success emailing Suzuki Canada - one day reply - I also have the 1990 version of the manual they are talking about - anyone have a newer one? Cheers

                        Dear Jonah :
                        Thank you for calling on Suzuki Canada Inc.
                        The 1978 GS550 was marketed in Canada in 2 model variants. The GS550C was identifiable as being equipped with wire spoke wheels, while the GS550EC was equipped with aluminum alloy wheels.
                        However, accurate confirmation of your specific model will require a review of the Vehicle Identification Number for your motorcycle.
                        The factory service manual for the 1978 GS550 is available through your choice of authorized Suzuki Motorcycle Dealers under part number 99500-35003-01E.
                        We trust this information is of some assistance.
                        Yours truly,

                        Customer Relations - Relations à la clientèle
                        SUZUKI CANADA INC.
                        (905) 889-2677 ext. 2254


                        1979 GS1000 w/h full fairings, 65k, Winter Project
                        1978 GS550C, 30k


                          Originally posted by Joneman View Post
                          Thanks for all the replies!!

                          Prosolar - Can you give a few more details on your procedure? I dont quite follow... Just take a regular hose (like garden hose) and stick one end in the motorcycle tank and the other in a gas can? And did you get a clymer manual? And thanks

                          And its not that my bike flat out has no gas - its still runs, but when it has less gas is when the problems come more often - any benefits of an inline fuel filter? Ive read a lot of yes' and no's towards it, and don't really now if my 550 could take it..

                          Calvin - If I cleaned my carbs with the carb spray, without removing the carbs or anything, wouldnt I be ruining some plastic parts or something? Where should I be spraying, and are the "carb drains" (not sure if this is the right term) just below the carbs, and pretty obvious? The guy I bought if from hardly drove it, and he got knew the whole history - He figures between him and his sister the put maybe 5-6000 kms in the last 5-6 years - and the fella is really a stand up guy unlike most sellers he helped me fix the fuse problem and will change the front tire for free (he works at Canadian Tire) - although I guess it was his fault there was a fuse problem in the first place...

                          Is there a quick way to remove the gas tank?

                          Update: Last night I cleaned the plugs (with carb cleaner - they were quite dark/sooty except for plug #3) on my bike and it started up perfectly and idled at 1500 consistenly - what a difference that made! IT excites me to really get it cleaned up! I didnt take it for a spin though because I really need a new front tire.. I am going to order one soon and get it changed

                          My next plan is to check all the wires and do the stator tests... Any idea how long cleaning the carbs would take for a 90% Newbie? Thanks

                          I would look for a nut ont he bottom of the float bowls
                          removing this will draint he carbs
                          a nice celan paper towel underneath gives an indication of how much crap is in there when the gas drains out.

                          I would then put the drain plugs back in
                          then I would remove the gas line fromt he tank ( making sure its empty)
                          and then spray crb cleaner into the hose which will then fill the bowls
                          not sure how much it would take but this should not harm anything

                          correct me if I am worng folks.

                          leave the cleaner to sit some several minutes and then once again remove the drains noting again how much rap comes out if any and the colour of the liquid after hving spent some time in a varnishy hell.

                          its not ever going to clean badly clogged carbs of course but if its just debris and a bit of goo down there then it may make em clean enough for fresh gas to do the rest.

                          are you from the real new brunswick or the fake one in new jersey?


                            Carb Cleaning - Thanks

                            Originally posted by Calvin Blackmore View Post
                            I would look for a nut ont he bottom of the float bowls
                            removing this will draint he carbs
                            a nice celan paper towel underneath gives an indication of how much crap is in there when the gas drains out.

                            I would then put the drain plugs back in
                            then I would remove the gas line fromt he tank ( making sure its empty)
                            and then spray crb cleaner into the hose which will then fill the bowls
                            not sure how much it would take but this should not harm anything

                            correct me if I am worng folks.

                            leave the cleaner to sit some several minutes and then once again remove the drains noting again how much rap comes out if any and the colour of the liquid after hving spent some time in a varnishy hell.

                            its not ever going to clean badly clogged carbs of course but if its just debris and a bit of goo down there then it may make em clean enough for fresh gas to do the rest.

                            are you from the real new brunswick or the fake one in new jersey?
                            Thanks for the Procedure Calvin - I will try and do that this weekend.
                            And I am from the real New Brunswick in Canada - Just outside of Fredericton in Hanwell - whereabouts inb NB are you?


                            1979 GS1000 w/h full fairings, 65k, Winter Project
                            1978 GS550C, 30k


                              To make sure your petcock flows enough fuel just take the fuel line off it and put something there like other fuel line you have laying around and make sure the flow is good. This will also allow you to drain your tank before taking it off to make cleaning the carbs easier. Also, it might do you some good to leave some seafoam in the float bowls using Calvins method and leave it overnight. And I do have a Clymer manual.

