I recently bought a 1982 GS1100EZ which ran "fine" when I got it but slowly developed a chugging problem off the line. It got steadily worse and became unridable recently. Last night I started it and now I have a backfiring issue with flame out the muffler (albeit small and in the dark).
'82 GS1100EZ
kerker header/exhaust
k&n cones (not my choice but no OE airbox)
BS34SS OE carbs
Last night I dismantled the carbs and pulled the diaphrams and cleaned everything out as best I could with spray cleaners, the problem however persists. Prior to pulling the carbs I checked the spark plugs and found three fairly consistently carboned black, the other, plug #2, looked tan and uncarboned.
I checked the pilot screws (idle screws?) and found vastly different settings from bottom, carb #1 4.5 turns out, #2 3.25 turns, #3 2.5 turns out and #4 5.5 turns out. I have fuel pooling at the rear of carb #4 into the cone filter, a tad bit also of this in carb #3, none in #2 or #1.
My plan now is to check float height and see what condition the pilot needle is in, otherwise I don't know what to do here. I'm not great with carb work I mostly know diesel injection, which is of no use with this!
Any help, direction (already looked at BS32 manual) is welcome.
Steve A