The bike runs great on the needle and up, like on the interstate. The bike screws up at the 1/8 throttle mark and lower while cruising. It will start to stutter and upon giving it full throttle it will bog(read: not dip like lean) and stutter then out of nowhere its off rocketing down the road. Everytime you pull the plugs 1 and 2 are black and 3 and 4 are whatever color you have the screws at. These are the dual throat/Siamese/double barrel (whatever you wanna call them) carbs.
What Ive replaced:
Replaced the intake orings
Replaced the filter with an emgo oem replacement.
Replaced the carbs!
Set the valves
Compression check is (1)140 (2)140 (3)140 (4)125
Swapped diahphrams, the new carb came with diaphrams. They have been swapped side to side and with different ones (they were swapped as an assy.
Swapped choke plungers
Swapped choke cable and plungers
Swapped coils
Replaced Plug caps
Replaced Plugs
Put on spare set of coils
Rebuilt the petcock(trying to make it turn easier) flows fuel good
What ive done:
Cleaned both sets of carbs(dipping over night then carb cleaner and compressed air)
The first set i cleaned twice in a month.
The spark is blue on all four when its screwing up
I have set the pilot screws down to 2 or maybe lower, when i do this the bike looses all power and still screws up.
I have set the bike in the 4 to 4.5 turn area and the bike has amazing power all around and still screws up.
When it screws up if i take the air box cover off it does nothing
Vice versa if i take a rag and lay it over the top of the intake snorkels it will run worse after just a couple seconds.
If i rev it while its screwed up i have half the power as normal and its not smooth.
If i pull the clutch going down the road when its screwing up it will die instantly
If you engine brake down closer to idle it wont die unless you let it idle.
If you rev it the revs will settle at idle and the start to fall after that.
Coil relay mod
When you try to tune it in a garage it idles fine but seems lean after a while(it gets a bog when revving it and if i put a rag over the air box snorkel it goes away) When i drive it this goes away.
If the bike starts to get hot in the garage it will develop a hiccup at idle or a stumble(hiccup sounds closer but stumble might be easier to understand)
The fins feel as hot as the do during stop and go traffic but it doesnt do this out side while driving that i know of. Unless this is related.
The boots are on tight and the airbox is all sealed up.
What i am asking:
Will some one please either give me some advice on where to go with this, or.
Will some one in the area come troubleshoot with me and help me figure out what im overlooking ( i would pay for food milage and time spent helping me)
Thanks so much guys!
P.S. sorry about the super long post!