1982 gs 300L 7900 miles.
Original problem:
-bike bogged down in 3rd gear or higher
-leaked gas through to airbox and out the airbox drainage pipe thing
My attempts:
First i ran some seafoam through the tank. No lasting improvement. took apart the petcock, didn't work, ordered brand new OEM petcock. Went through the carbs, checked float height, new needle seat oring, cleaned jets. They were extremely clean. + cycleorings. ordered new OEM airfilter (PO stuck some fake foam down there).
i put everything on and got new spark plugs. Old ones were black and almost burnt.
Fired it up. Still bogged down, this time even in first, which it did ever since i put seafoam through it. Decided to do some on riding testing. I noticed that when i used my turn signals, the bike would LEAP forward at the times when the light was flashing. so LEAP, bog, LEAP, bog ..... after a couple more minutes of riding normally, and applying the turn signals as normal. VUALA the bog was fixed. Never bogged down again after that. and the power didn't change when the turn signals were on. But the electrical thing was wierd.
Problem continues:
the bike did not leak anything overnight from anywhere. Yay that problem solved.

however; took it for a test. bogged. Tried the electrical thing again. The Bike LURCHES forward with tremendous power while turn signals are on. Only at the time when the light flashes though (hope you understand what i mean). This time, it didn't fix itself

what/ where should i check the voltage at, what could be causing this. I am a beginner at this stuff. This is only my second bike, my first four stroke.
Please be specific as i am a noob

Thank you so much