This bike has run wonderfully for the longest time....
Until a couple of nights ago, then it left me stranded.

The wiring on this bike is factory, the only person that made any changes was me and that was for the coil relay mod.
The night before this happened I took a 10 mile ride and pulled up in the driveway and tried to shut her down with the ignition switch. I turned the switch to off and the bike kept running but the dash lights dimmed, not completely off but dimmer than normal running. I hit the kill switch and killed the motor. The dash lights went out. I thought that was very strange and turned the ignition switch back on along with the kill switch and restarted the motor. Same procedue for shut down and the same thing happened.
I go on the bike the next night, fired her up and took off, kind of forgeting what had happened the night before. I was riding on the highway, pulled to the exit I wanted and on the exit ramp I tried to accelerate through the final turn and no power. Quick glance at everything and no bad signs. Pulled in the clutch to downshift and the engine dies. Tried the starter and nothing. Dropped it into second while coasting and popped the clutch. It came to life for maybe 10 seconds and then same thing..dead.
Another roll start and nothing. I got into a parking lot and though one of the wires from the coil relay mod I did came loose, not the case. Walked the 4 miles home.
The next morning I checked the fuses and found the ignition fuse was blown. Replaced that and the relay for the coils. I got the engine to turn and still no fire.
Towed it home and found that a six connecter plug had melted. It would normally be inside the headlight bucket but I have a Vetter Quicksilver fairing on the bike and the wiring goes into a provided bag. I have since cut the wires off of the plug one at a time and re connected them via spade connectors back together. Still no fire to the plugs.
Kill switch works, starter switch works, engine spins, dash lights and everything else work.
I ran a continuity test on the ignition switch and it checks out with the key turned to on, but does not checkout in the "park" setting.
I am stumped here and would appreciate any thoughts on this. Sorry for the long post but tried to include all facts.