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Help, 82 650 wrapping up on it's own
Help, 82 650 wrapping up on it's own
So, i just recently got my 82 gs650 running again, it's been sitting for 3 years but everything seems to be working ok. One problem I am having is that when I go to slow down the engine stays wrapped up pretty high (no exact rpm cuz of no tach cable) It also did it the next morning when I turned it on, the bike would start and immediately run itself up high, I am pretty sure my idle is not set that high, any ideas?Tags: None
Greetings and Salutations!!
Hi Mr. torque87,
Usually, because these classic bikes have been sitting for so long, the air intake system and carbs have to be serviced properly. The first suspect would be the intake boots (or intake "pipes") and O-rings. It could also be a stuck choke or throttle cable, but my first guess would be the intake boots and/or intake O-rings are leaking air causing a high idle. There's more information in my "welcome thang"...
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Thank you for your indulgence,
BassCliffLast edited by Guest; 08-12-2009, 06:06 PM.
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Originally posted by BassCliff View Post^^^ Yep, see above. That's the #1 suspect.
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Welcome to GSR.
You say it idles too high. That could just be that the idle setting is way too. Is a knob under the carbs, in the middle. Maybe you know that, but you didnt say anything about trying to adjust the setting.
If you set that while engine is just warmed up (but not hot) and then the idle is again too high after it warms up, and then if you adjust it when engine is hot but then is too low when engine not hot ... then that is one sign the intake o-rings need to be replaced**.
Or if you let the throttle close and it takes a long while before rpms come down, that is another sign (or so I have seen stated here many times).
** I had this symptom on the GS1100GK when I got it. WHen I got to inspect the orings (like in picture above), it was hard to believe those were orings at one time. They broke out in pieces like hard brittle plastic.
Oh, those screws that hold the intake to the head, those were a 2 hour ordeal getting them out. I didnt break any of the screws, but others have had bad experince with that. Replace the dern screws with allen head bolts.
PS I had a 82 GS650G for 20+ years. Never had to work on much of anything on it. Sometimes wonder where it went.
.Last edited by Redman; 08-05-2009, 10:30 PM.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl
OK, I got the O-rings replaces, yeah they were pretty flattened out and brittle, not terrible, but still bad enough. Anyways, got those done, put it all back together. When I started it up, it still did it, but I kept slowly increasing the idle screw while dropping the choke out and after a few minutes it was idling O.K. I then took it for a ride up and down my road and not every time, but occasionally when I would pull in the clutch, the engine would run itself up again. This was remedied by stopping and slowly letting out and pulling in the clutch several times until the idle was back to normal. It seemed to be running ok while i was riding it, mind you I'm pretty new and this is my first bike :P Any ideas out there?
Good work Mr. torque87!
There are other places where air intake leaks can occur. If the (carb to head) intake boots themselves are hard and cracked they need to be replaced. There are also boots between the carb and the airbox. These may be leaking. The airbox itself could be leaking. Usually we seal the airbox with weatherstripping. Make sure your air filter fits snugly in the airbox, it may need some weatherstripping too. Use the checklist in the mega-welcome to make sure all systems are in good order. It will be easier to troubleshoot if we know all the basic stuff has been done.
Are the throttle linkages moving freely? Nothing stuck?
Thank you for your indulgence,