Been searching forums up one side and down the other, still very undecided of what to do.
My '82 GS1100E apparently had a fire near the battery at one point, and my stock airbox is missing the snorkel and is partially melted. Looks like these guys are fairly hard to find... So, I am considering getting some pod filters. Of course, this seems to require the Dynojet kit, so I'm looking at $180+. Ouch! Over the winter I had planned on moving to fuel injection using Megasquirt, so perhaps the pods would be a good investment for this? Granted, then I will have $120 into a Dynojet kit I will no longer need. Anyone have a snorkel they want to sell? Or know where I can buy one? And for the pods, what the right size? I suppose I could go measure...

As for pipes, my stock pipes were removed by the PO and thrown away due to rust. So, I plan on ordering some pipes tomorrow. But I'm still on the fence about what I want. The Vance and Hines chrome 4-1 kit looks pretty good, but I kinda wanted black exhaust. I've been told chrome is the way to go as it does not rust out as quick as black/painted. Any suggestions other than the Vance and Hines?
Could I get away with just some jetting and not buy the whole Dynojet kit? I realize there will be a lot of tuning required here, but if I can get into a ball park for cheaper... maybe... hehe
My goal with this bike is mostly to hit the drag strip with, but I would like for it to be streetable. As such, I am avoiding drag-race only stuff for the time being.
Thanks all for the info. Still have a lot of work to do on the basket case, but I hope to go play with it at the track this month sometime.