1) sandblast frame and all metal components (brakets, mounts, etc). And hopefully get the frame powdercoated and possibly powdercoat the smaller parts myself.
2) replace any wearable parts since it will be a lot easier to change it while I am putting everything back together. New parts will include; chain, sprockets, throttle/tach/clutch/speedo cables, brakes & rotors, battery (needs a new one), possibly clutch assembly if finances allow it, and anything else I come across during the rebuild.
3) as much hardware that I can get replaced will be replaced with stainless where possible, and just new where I cannot find stainless. I have a good selection of metric stainless hardware at work.
4) K&N filters with carb rebuild and jetting by a local reputable shop in my area. There is no way in hell i am fighting with that air box again. it was a royal PITA to get out, and I am very surprised it didnt break while I was trying to get it out.
5) Replace all broken plastics and repaint all plastics, tank, etc.
6) Since finding original unbroken/scratched plastics is nearly impossible and expensive, I am going to just repaint the plastics and have a buddy of mine make me factory duplicate graphics to make it look as original as possible. I will be going with the black/white/red scheme.
7) Depending on how finances are with the build, I want to attempt to upgrade the rear tail to a mid 90's tail that I will be getting from a buddy of mine. I will also hopefully be putting in an integrated tail light along with it to clean up the rear end.
That is the plan so far, and as the project comes along, I am sure I will be changing things. It will be a very slow going project as money is tight right now. I will post updates as it comes along.
Now that I've bored you with a long drawn out explanation, here are some pics:
The bike when I first bought it:

Couldnt stand the white/blue so I rattle canned it for a cheap temporary fix:

More pics in following posts
Any input is appreciated.
One quick question... attached to the front bottom of the airbox was a rubber line that went down towards the ground and it appeard as if it hit the exhaust b/c it was completely melted. Does anyone know where this was supposed to go? I think i may have found my vaccuum leak that I had.