The earliest models, the ones that were available back in the 70s, had a switch on them to turn them on and off. To avoid modulator operation at night, the Code now requires a photocell, but does not say anything about also having a switch, too.
The ease of turning the modulator on and off is one thing that makes it so easy to use courteously. When following a car for any length of time, the modulator would be VERY annoying, so I turn it off. When approaching a 4-way stop, I turn it off to prevent other people approaching the sign from thinking I am an emergency vehicle that is going to blast on through. When stopping for any other sign or light, I evaluate the situation. When I am comfortable that there is no danger of anyone pulling out of a driveway or turning in front of me before the sign/signal, I turn it off. Again, the intent of the modulator is to make others aware of my presence, not to annoy them. On the other hand, if a car pulls out in front of me a bit closer than I think would have been prudent (meaning that I had to slow down after they pulled into traffic), I will leave it on in their mirror just to 'remind' them that I am there.