have the valve cover off for the first time to do the clearances and need some advice.
All the bolts and screws undid easily so I thought 'this is great, they've been off in the not too distant past'. This led me to hope the gasket wasn't too old and would come away easily - but no! Its quite old and it looks like some gasket sealant was applied as well. This is my first experience with a gasket.
So heaps of old gasket and/or glue is stuck on both the cover and the engine.
Now I can't use any of those gasket removing solvents because of my health and my fine motor skills are gone, so I'm not confident about carefully using a razor blade or similar without scoring the surface.
I was thinking some heat, wd40 and scotchbrite pad. Would the pad damage the surface? I also have a dremal-like tool, but most of the sanding/emery attachments would be more harsh than the scotchbrite right? Or what about something like a paint scraper?
I'm new to all this mechanical stuff, and this is my first time inside an engine and I don't want to damage anything. Want to get this out of the way first before I tackle the valve clearances for the first time.
Any help appreciated