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Brake hose and Banjo Bolt

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    Brake hose and Banjo Bolt

    does special care need to be taken to line up the fluid hole on the banjo fitting and the bolts hole that secures it to the caliper. I'm just having some trouble bleeding the front brakes I finally got. I checked some old technical posts and found some other things to try ie: priming master cylinder and checking for clogged lines. I was mainly curious about the fluid holes since my manual doesn't mention anything about it. Thanks

    No worry about the banjo,it's grooved around the diameter, sometimes they're just a pain to get to bleed after they've been drained, do one side at a time


      i picked up a $5 brake bleeding kit at Sears (i think most auto parts stores will have them too) and it made bleeding my brakes a piece of cake. hook it up, loose the bleed screw, pump pump pump, done.



        I'm going to hit discount auto on the way home today and see it they have one. thanks.


          you can half way bleed it by just removing the master cylinder cap and squeezing the lever a bunch of times

