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Can I go 130\90\17 with a 4.25\17 rear wheel?

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    Can I go 130\90\17 with a 4.25\17 rear wheel?

    Thank you for your responses on what's your favorite tire!
    I have a problem with tire availability, my rear wheel is a 4.25 which equals a 120\90\17 for my GS650G. Will a 130\90\17 work or is it too wide? Rob

    Upgrading Tire Sizes

    Hi there...
    I know that it's a tight squeeze, but my GS750es has a 130/90 on the back end, but is stock with a 120/90... I haven't ever dealt with rub on the chain guard or anywhere else that I can see ... and I've put over 10,000km on the bike this past year...

    I would check to see how much room you have between your tire and your frame / shaft etc ... as ya don't have the same problem as myself with the chainguard


      I have a GS650G and it has the 130 on it. The shop said it was fine, in fact they suggested it. I have riden 650 miles on them. The guy before me had the 130's also.


        Can you? Sure you can!


          I did have to shave the chain gaurd just a hair or two but it worked great


            Shave the Chainguard eh?

            hehe ... just watch where the sidewall is near the frame ... make sure that's not touchin ...
            not too fun shaving off your rear end ...


              I put a 130/90 on mine as well. The only concern was the brake torque arm, but it still has at least 3/8inch clearance.
              Oh yea, your butt will be sitting higher in the air, and the bike will lean over further on the side stand. It'll be a little easier to get up on the center stand though, but you'll lose a little clearance. Your gearing will change, but shouldn't be that noticeable, execpt when pulling away from a stop.
              I also went up a size in front, to a 100/90. My speedometer actually got more accurate after that.


                Speedo More Accurate?

                Hey Jeckler.. how do ya mean your speedo got more accurate?
                what do ya test that kinda thing against?


                  With a 90 on the front my Sigma bike speedo would read... say 70, and the stock speedo would read 75. With the 100, after recalibrating the Sigma, they were within 2mph of each other.

