I understand the basics of ignition mapping both 2D & 3D, essentially our bikes have either a very simple centrifugal advance (up to 82) or a simple 2D advance map inside the ignitor (post 82).
Does anyone know or done any testing on different units?
I believe all the mechanical advances for similar engines are the same unit regardless of CC's (the difference here would probably be generated by spring strength changes).
Presumably the electronic maps have some differences but again I believe they would be similar.
The Dyna 2000 has 4 base maps for an 8V, 4 for a 16v, whilst there are differences the curves are reasonably similar & seen as basically "safe" for most engines. I should scan & post the curves from the instruction book for info/discussion point I guess....
Has anyone done any measurements whilst running or know what the differences between the maps are? Total advance on the 8v engines should be the same, Total advance on the 16v engines should be slightly more but likewise the same.
One upgrade in the car world when using different carbs & cams is to decrease the spring strength on the centrifugal advance so that the engine pulls total advance sooner, sometime stops or cams are filed down to adjust the total advance that can be reached, anyone try anything like that?
