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exhaust problem

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    exhaust problem

    I've got an original exhaust on my 77 gs 750. As you probably would have guessed I'm having a little bit of problems with it.

    one, it's got a hole of about 2cm (1.5 inch. Two, the inside is sitting loose inside the outer casing.

    I'm not willing to spend money on a new exhaust (the bike is already costing me to much).

    - With what can I plug the hole?
    - Should the inside be loose?
    - How should I fixate the inside if necessary?

    the inside shouldn't be loose...has the pipe itself slipped past the flange that bolts ot the engine?

    i had this problem with my 4-1 can tell because the pipe will have free play, and the engine will be very loud.

    you may just have to pull the exhaust off, push the flange back over the exhaust lip, and bolt it back on SNUGLY, not pushing it back over the flange.

    my bike is very nice running now that i fixed my exhaust that way.

    as for fixing the hole...might need some welding done to that.



      Sounds to me that you may have no choice but to get a new exhaust. It's probably rotted out all over and oyu just can't see it all.


        The problem is not at the motor end, but on the exhaust end. The end is attached with 3 screws. I got the end off and I could move the inside from left to right, up and down, but not out.

        Can't I use somekind of fibreglass stuff to fix this (and the hole) or will this melt strait away.


          You can try using some exhaust packing. Don't try regular fiberglass type insulation, it will break down very quickly. You can pick up packing at your dealer or any of the on-line parts places like JC Whitney.


            ah, its on the muffler area, if i understand correctly.

            they sell muffler patch stuff for might not look the best, but it might be cheaper then new mufflers.

            check out ebay for used exhaust systems. the whole thing is 10 bolts to can get them fairly cheap, used, on ebay.



              I got the muffler patch stuff. I told the guy in the shop it had to last a long time since I don't want to buy an new exhaust.

              This is what he told me (good advice I hope):
              Buy a tin can (vegetable/fruit/soup/anything) whit about the same diametre as where you have the hole in youre pipe. The tin can has almost the same shape, so it's easy to fixate on the exhaust. Cut the tin so it covers the hole and some area around it. Put a large amount of the patch stuff on the cut tin. Stick it on the hole and screw some screws into it, put some patch stuff over the screws and you're done. The exhaust is fixed.

              You don't even see it, cause my hole (I think most holes are) is on the downside of the pipe. Only spectators see it when you make a really hard left. Probably even then they won't notice, since the tin is the same colour as the pipe.

              Let's hope it lasts.
              Thanks for the help guys.

