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STATOR PAPERS --> More pictures for newbies please :)

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    STATOR PAPERS --> More pictures for newbies please :)

    Hi there everybody ... I have got me a fresh batch of problems...
    bike stalls, won't start ... car (ya, bad ) jump starts fine... runs for a bit, then dies ... new battery,... worked for maybe an hours worth of riding... then same thing, ... dies.

    NOW --- I FINALLY have found these 3 fabled wires that some local friends on the newsgroup have referred me to check ...
    but the thing is ... I follow them up from the stator, and up and through the starter cover, and they seem to just sorta disappear to underneath my gas tank ... which is a bit of a bitch to disconnect the fuel leads (as I just filled the tank the other day)...

    Does it sound right that I take the entire gas tank off to test the 3 leads in pairs to see if the voltage goes over 80V (as per my shop service manual)?

    The manual is not clear (black and white) as far as the pictures go about where exactly the guy in the picture is holding the Multimeter to do the testing of the 3 wires ...

    well, again, I appreciate ya'll & any input is appreciated ...
    feel free to email me...

    thx again!

    Once you find the three wires from the stator, disconnect wires and check AC volts between each pair of wires(1-2,2-3,1-3), with the bike running at 5000 rpms and you should have approximate equal readings about 70-80 volts ac. You will probably have to pull your tank to find where these wires connect.


      I had the same problem this passed weekend. My battery light was on and with the motor running I was reading 11.8 volts across the battery not a good sign. After 15 minutes of troubleshooting it turned out to be a bad regulator/rectifier. I?d start there. The service manual should have a chart on how to check them. Find the regulator/rectifier and you will also find the wires that come from your stator.


        I think you'll want to pull the tank anyway.

        When I saw the yellow connectors under my tank, I was shocked (pun).
        The connectors were all burnt. I cut them off and soldered.
        Good luck with your electro-probs. I'm thinking of calling it quits on mine. I can't afford to replace everything, yet I can't isolate the problem.


          Made Some Observations...

          I am no expert on Multimeters ... so that may shoot my observations all to *@%^$*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$ ... but anyways
          I measure the battery with no load.. get 13.08V.
          start the bike ... run around 5000rpm, and get 12.0V.
          I FINALLY managed to find the 3 Stator leads (from the triplet of wires wrapped in plastic that comes up from beneat the Starter cover) ...
          tested them in pairs ... and got a BIG FAT ZERO on each individual test...
          (1-2, 1-3, 2-3)

          I figure this is a CLEAR SIGN OF:
          A) my inability to operate a Multimeter
          B) my stator being totally fried, and me NOT wanting to pay the dealer $400 Canadian and also by the way, has anybody else had problems accessing the website recently?

          so.. wutcha think?
          A, or B?



            A! J/K. Did you have the multimeter set to AC voltage? Usually, even if bad, you'll get something. Did you do the ohms tests?

            Electrex is down for me too.


              To measure the AC volts of stator .....
              Yeah, check that AC is selected on your meter and that meter leads are plugged into correct place on meter. Some meters have different places to plug in leads to measure volts or to measure amps.

              Also before measuring ohms (resistance, continuity), touch the two meter leads togeter to check that the meter reads zero ohms. This checks the meter's batterys and checks that leads are plugged into correct place. Maybe there is an adjustment to set to zero if it is off a little bit.

              If you do conclude that that your stator is bad, dont neglect to also check your R/R.
              Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
              GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


