Know what? I NEVER forget to turn my lights on in the dark on the none auto vehicles. Why? Because I CAN'T SEE SH*T without them, that's why. And I never forget to close the doors, I never forgot to use the manual window cranks on my F150, never forgot to manually push the choke "off" on my GS750. Why? Because window won't go down if you forget. Because bike runs like crap if you leave choke engaged.
Have we lost all confidence in our own god-given common sense and survival instinct? Please someone argue with me/converse/convince me otherwise...PLEASE...don't make me beg

Indulge me and let me tell you a story or this "safety" concept run amok:
My '96 porsche 911 (95-98 were last of the air cooled 911. '99 they went to water-cooled which continue to this day and are fine cars btw) took the auto "fail-safe" thing to its extreme. It has the smartest dumbest "security" system ever invented by man. In order to start the car, the driver's door has to be locked and unlocked by means of the SAME method (i.e. either key or elec key fob switch) AND within one minute of locking/unlocking, or the car will not start.
Sound great right? Well how often do you LOCK your car when you park in your garage? Right, never. So next day, hop in your 911, turn key and NOTHING. You have to LOCK doors, then UNLOCK doors and turn ig key within 1 minute or starter will not work. wow, how "smart" is that?

And it gets better. I your key fob battery happens to die, and you figure "hey, why not just USE THE KEY to open the driver's door?", the alarm goes off and will not stop because the system is set up such that whatever LOCKED the door last (ie be it hardware key or elec key fob switch) MUST BE USED to open door or else the alarm goes off. Now it doesn't take a genius to conjure a common scenario that will cause owners nightmares AND embarassment AND expensive tows: you get out of car, lock it electronically with key fob. The battery in fob goes dead. You think "no big deal I have an actual KEY", unlock car with key, get in, go to start car with key, and instead of starting, the theft alarm goes off and WILL NOT STOP without some codes from Porsche dealer and/or get new battery for key fob (remember: it's dead, which is why you used key to begin with) to swich alarm off and which IS THE ONLY WAY TO SWITCH ALARM OFF.
So in other words, you will watch your car get towed all while the alarm is going off until the battery dies inplying that you are stealing your own car and there is NOT ONE GD THING you can do about it unless you manifest a new battery for your key fob or get your local Porsche dealer out of bed at 10pm after that nice dinner date you just had to get the manual code to disable.
Now, I'm certainly not the smartest guy in teh world, but how dumb is that?
Not to mention that system is so propriety and "bullet proof" that THERE IS NO WORKAROUND / no private "chip" or anything available to disable this evil electronic "safety" feature. And we all know there are many many really smart people out there who would be happy to make a buck while helping people/improving something. Nothing. Noone has come up with a workaround. Because on top of everything else, the system was designed with a "mission impossible SELF destruct" mechanism if you mess with it X number of times (i think 3 times), the whole thing blows up, won't work, and you have to replace the whole system through the porsche dealer.

This system was so "evil", "unfixable", and user-unfriendly and so many porsche owners complained between 1995 and 1998 (only 3 yrs mind you) when they used this system, that porsche actually changed it and toned it WAY down for 1999 and after models.
Wow, that's a lot of BS above (sorry), my point? THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR BRAINS AND COMMON SENSE.
If you're dumb, we can't help you.
No amount of idiot lights, gauges, neutral safety switches, clutch must be engaged for starter to work switches, automatic headlights, idiot light to tell you kick stand on your bike is still down, will prevent you from ultimately doing something so stupid that it will threaten your life or better just the life of your vehicle.