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WTF! throttle cable clashes choke bar!

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    WTF! throttle cable clashes choke bar!

    1983 Katana 1100ESD................
    I rebuilt the carbs amongst the whole bike, I'm quite close to finishing the project.
    Anyway, bolted the carbs up, throttle cable on, works perfect, come to put the choke on and the choke bar which slides left (to open sliders, choke) bumps straight into the underside threads of throttle cable!
    I have racked my brain on this all day, but still catches the throttle cable.
    The only thing I can think of is that when I got the bike from the customer the carbs were in a real bad mess and upon stripping down the carbs the choke plungers (brass) were utterly seized in the housings, so I got a donor set and used those plungers, could the donor plungers (from a GS1100) be longer and causing this clash???????
    The choke does work, but will only go to 1/4 choke, which means I don't think it will start on that, plus I'm not doing half an ass job, I want it right!

    Mount bracket...

    Check mounting on throttle cable bracket, could be backwards?


      No, it's correct! the "A" is facing upwards, plus I have tried several ways of mounting it but still clashes!


        I did this...

        I did this once, it is a cable mount either on the choke linkage, or the throttle mount..It'll come to me...I have a the manual somewhere, but if I remember right the picture was taken at a wrong angle...


          The Kat uses WAY different choke linkage than the E carbs. If you have E carbs, that is the issue. I will try to put a pic up tomorrow of the correct Kat choke bracket that goes on the carbs. Ray.


            Originally posted by rapidray View Post
            The Kat uses WAY different choke linkage than the E carbs. If you have E carbs, that is the issue. I will try to put a pic up tomorrow of the correct Kat choke bracket that goes on the carbs. Ray.
            I believe I am using the Kat carbs, I bought a set of GS1100 ones but they were different, so I decided to overhaul the Kat ones.
            Small things like this really p me off, the chokes (all 4 of them) were truly seized in and I had to drill them out and use the GS1100 chokes, I'm guessing that might be the issue, failing that, I may have to fabricate a longer bracket for the throttle cable to move it away from the choke slider!


              Pics would be a great help...
              1980 GS1000G - Sold
              1978 GS1000E - Finished!
              1980 GS550E - Fixed & given to a friend
              1983 GS750ES Special - Sold
              2009 KLR 650 - Sold - gone to TX!
              1982 GS1100G - Rebuilt and finished. - Sold
              2009 TE610 - Dual Sporting around dreaming of Dakar..... - FOR SALE!




                I'm such a nerd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                My buddy came over today and solved the issue in 2 minutes!!!!

                Looking down on the carbs I had the throttle bracket on the correct carb top, but had the choke mount attached on top, so in effect, the choke would strike the bottom thread of the throttle cable, so, he moved the choke plate/bracket to the left (2nd) carb top!
                It works!!!!!!!
                All that time attempting to solve it and he did it in 2 mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                  Originally posted by feelergaugephil View Post
                  I'm such a nerd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  My buddy came over today and solved the issue in 2 minutes!!!!

                  Looking down on the carbs I had the throttle bracket on the correct carb top, but had the choke mount attached on top, so in effect, the choke would strike the bottom thread of the throttle cable, so, he moved the choke plate/bracket to the left (2nd) carb top!
                  It works!!!!!!!
                  All that time attempting to solve it and he did it in 2 mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  Thats exactly what I did.... Don't feel too dumb... Another set of eyes sometimes works wonders...

