I have been working on the "freebie 850' in my sig. The carbs are dipped and mostly put back together, just waiting for the new bowl gaskets. While they were off, I took the opportunity to see if the intake o-rings needed to be changed. I had already ordered a new set from cycleorings.com, along with the stainless Allen-head bolts. I was pleasantly surprised to see that there were already stainless bolts in the boots, so I had hopes for the condition of the o-rings, too. Although I was contantly assured that it would be a good runner after I got the oil pan put back on, I don't know how that could possibly happen.
I pulled the intake boots and this is what I saw:

OK, let's get a little closer. Here is a close-up of #1 (on the left) and #2 (on the right).

Here is #3 (on the left) and #4 (on the right).

I changed the lighting a bit and got even closer to #2.

How in the #$@%@^#$ could it have been a "runner" with intake leaks like THAT??? Keep in mind that there was NOTHING stuck to the head. The edges of the intake ports only took mild polishing with a Scotch-Brite pad to make them ready for use.
Moral of the story: Whenever you get a 'new' bike, especially if you have not heard it run, CHECK EVERYTHING.
The cam chain tensioner was also stuck. Well, at least the knob would not turn. Found out that it was locked in place IN THE RETRACTED POSITION.
Yeah, I have already checked the cam timing and it's OK.
Seven of the eight valves were too tight for my .0015" feeler (yeah, I still use inch feelers).
Don't let the purchase price dictate how much you are willing to spend on the bike. Many times, I have seen on the board where someone says "I don't want to do that, it will cost more than I paid for the bike" or something like that. Following that philosophy, I shouldn't put anything into this bike, as it was given to me (yeah, the title came with it). I figure if you spend less to get the bike, you simply have more money available to put into parts. And yes, I have made some purchases in the last week to get this bike going. $396.22 so far, and I have yet to get a battery and some tires, so it should be about $650 by the time I am done. Add in the $100 in gas and food for three (TheCafeKid and my #2 son went with me) to get it, my "freebie" will end up costing me about $750. <grin>