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83 750E..... i think and an update on my deer accident

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    83 750E..... i think and an update on my deer accident

    hello all. some may remember that i hit a monster of a deer on my 850. well this is what i have done/found so far on her. replaced the handlebars. removed all broken parts (turn signals. tail/brake light. clocks, exhaust, mirrors. ect.) replaced the stator cover thanks to Don-lo. among other things. before i could take her for a ride i noticed the rear of the frame where the brake light mounts was bent very badly. so me being stupid, i cut the rear of the framme off right behind the shock mounts. problem solved. engine leaks a good amount of oil out of her. but she runs. i think the frame may be bent a bit thow.

    as far as my body. left shoulder is still quite painful. may have torn something when i dislocated it. right knee has grown a good amount of skinn back, still very week thow. cant walk without my 6 million dollar man knee brace thing. and my neck and back are feeling a lot better.

    and i ended up getting that mystery bike. it is a 750e. i believe it is in 83. no title as of yet. on the sticker on the rear of the bike it says it complys with the 83 emisions laws or regulations. so thats my only indication on what year it is. on the engine on the throttle side R703-101833 is stamped. on my 850 it says 850 and other stuff. why is this not saying 750?
    ps i will have pics as soon as i can

    Glad to hear you're feeling good enough to handle a sawzall.

    Where is the motor leaking from now?

    pics of both motors please


      Yeah. I'm feeling a good bit better. Here's some more info on the 750. The po had put a kirky? Exhaust on it. Don't know if that's spelled right. Its a 4 into 1. There's no air box on it. He tried to rejet it like that and put smaller jets in the carbs. He's not the smartest. I put a folded towel over the carbs and it runs. Plans are replace plugs. Tear carbs down and clean/rebuild them. Change jets. Coil relay mod. Replace all lights. Clean all electrical connections. Clean everything really. Brakes. Intake box. And anything else I forgot. Any idea what jetting I should try? I'm tempted to yank the jets out of my 850 and try them


        Originally posted by piester View Post
        Any idea what jetting I should try?
        A Dynojet kit. Look at the base of the cylinder block on the left side of the engine for displacement.


          It is probably a GS700 by the engine #s


            The frame and vin are 750. Well 747cc. Ill look for the displacement and take a bunch of pictures for all of you. Of both bikes. I'm thinking this is going to turn into a streetfighter. Not very radical of one thow. My 850 is much worse off than I origonally thought. So I will probably just use as much as I can off of it and then scrap it or part it. Could I use the 850 head and jugs on the 750?


              glad to hear you're on the mend and good luck with the new project.


                Thanks. Any ideas on how well the 850 jets would work with the 750 and exhaust? And if it will fit the 850 airbox? I have 2 halves of the 750 airbox. Just the 2 plastic pieces. I may try to salvage that


                  Originally posted by piester View Post
                  Thanks. Any ideas on how well the 850 jets would work with the 750 and exhaust? And if it will fit the 850 airbox? I have 2 halves of the 750 airbox. Just the 2 plastic pieces. I may try to salvage that
                  No and No. The 750 you have is the last of the line of improvements...monoshock, 16v head that works MUCH MUCH better than the previous iteration, damn sight more durable too. If you dont have the airbox, (and frankly, from what ive seen you cant get the damn things out of the frame without destroying them) get a dynojet kit. Period. If you try messing around with jets and all that crap you're just going to get annoyed and possibly do damage to the bike. Spend the 120 bucks for a new Dynojet kit and be done with it. No guesswork, no fumbling around etc etc. BTW, that bike will be a whole lotta much more giggles than the busted up 850, so part that twisted sucker out, take the cash and fix up the 750...


                    Unfortunatly I don't have much of the airbox. I have 2 pieces of plastic that don't even fit together right. Any guess on what size jets I would need?

