This just suddenly started happening the other day:
I was getting my 78 GS750EC ready for a ride the other day and when I dropped the bike down from its center stand and began pushing the bike out of the garage I noticed on the floor of the garage the bike left two perfectly parallel lines of fuel on the garage floor about three feet long that was created as I pushed the bike across the floor and out to the driveway.
When I fired up the engine, it immediately started right up as usual but did not immediately rev to about 2500 to 3000 rpm as it usually does. The engine seemed to run smoothly but very slowly over a period of 30 to 60 seconds did it finally rev up to about the 3000 rpm mark so I could back off the choke and drop it back down to the 2500 mark for a little warm up period.
After the warm up period, the bike idles, runs, and performs beautifully.
This has happened the last three times I have ridden the bike and I'm just wondering what is causing the bike to suddenly start dumping two short paralell lines of fuel onto the floor as I push the bike out of the garage and if this is possibly related to what I am experiencing with my initial engine start up idle speed.
Thanks again for your GS wisdom.