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83 GS850L bleeding the rear brakes

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    83 GS850L bleeding the rear brakes

    Hi all,
    Bought my first bike (the one in the title block) went to bleed/change the fluid in the rear caliper and started with the out boad before reading the manual (I know, not good) anyway after I started it suddenly the caliper would not build pressure upon closing the valve an pumping the brake again (alot). I read the manual and it said to start with the inboard. Now I,m stuck with no rear brakes and can't ride. Can someone let me know how to go about correcting my error. Thanks. Gottta go my wife's waiting for me in the car.


    Greetings and Salutations!!

    Hi Mr. Mechbernie,

    Do you have a MightyVac? If not, you may want to use a length of hose on the bleeders and apply a vacuum manually to draw fluid back into the system. You can also try cracking open the banjo bolts a little to facilitate the procedure. That would allow more fluid/air to escape and save you from pumping so much. Anyway, I just stopped by to say "Hi"...

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    Thank you for your indulgence,



      It's highly likely that the system is gummed up and sludge has either stuck the master cylinder piston or blocked the fluid return port. I'd tear down the system and clean it out properly, and replace the rubber brake line that is sure to be full of crud.

      To measure is to know.

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        Outboard, inboard... are we talking brake calipers here or boat motors?

        It doesn't matter which screw you took off first or last, the fluid should run through no matter what. It's a hydraulic cylinder, gravity feeds it and you apply the pressure with the piston. Clean everything and make sure your hose is letting BF through. 2 or 3 pumps, hold the brake and loosen the bleeder, repeat until you get the fluid going.


          83 GS850L brakes

          Thanks alot for your suggestions guys. Since the bike is new to me I suppose I should go through the system. I was just tryin to do something quick to get some riding in this week while the weather here in Northern Ky is still nice.

          Basscliff; I had read the stator papers after I had some wires burn up on the first road trip I took. I ended up replacing what appears to be the original rectifier and solder splicing the fried wiring. Thanks!

          shirazdrum; ahoy! No actually a GS 850 shop manual used the inboard out board lingo so I just repeated it. Also the manual specified starting with the inboard (suggesting it was important to do so) since the brakes worked before I started the procedure I thought perhaps there was some kind of funky valve or something I might have ganked up.

          None the less thanks to all of you who got back with me so quickly. Have a good night. I'll try to remember to get back and let you know my findings or how I got by for the remainder of autumn.


          You guys are great!


            I forgot to mention, welcome to the forum. Basscliff has a lot of great write-ups on his website, make sure to check it out and feel free to ask any questions here. No one is ever going to call you a noob or whatever other forums do. This is a great place with lots of great people.

            I also own a GS850 and i know how bad the brakes get when they sit for 20 years. Just clean everything and flush the system with brake fluid few times, you should be well on your way.


              Hey thanks guys! I got my $32 master cylinder rebuild kit from the dealer down the street and that took care of the problem. I'm definitely going to look into stainless lines.

              Thanks again.


