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1981 GS 550L Repair/Rise from the Grave

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    1981 GS 550L Repair/Rise from the Grave

    Hello Everyone,

    I hope I'm in the right place to get some advice for my GS550 wreck. The bike was a victim of my in experience and some unmarked road construction and I have to do several things to get in running. Right now I'm having a hard time getting the bike to idle. When my Dad and I were working on it we had to leave the choke in other wise the bike would die. I was wondering what could be the problem with the idling.

    Lots of Thanks,

    p.s. if anyone has any info on some alterations listed below that would be great!

    -new seat cover (on the cheap if possible)

    -individual air cleaners for each carb (I hate that stupid plastic piece connecting the carbs to the air box)

    -bigger tank (I've been getting around 40MPG on the stock tank, I would like more range)

    -new paint (it needs it after the incident)

    -new rear sprocket (I haven't counted the teeth on the back but the bike is geared really low, I usually go through 3rd between 30-40)

    again thanks, I'm happy that there are people out there who want to keep these wonderful bikes on the road.

    Greetings and Salutations!!

    Hi Mr. Hobbes,

    You'll find lots of GS lovin' and a few answers on my little website. Please stop by for a visit. I'm glad you found us. Now let me say "Hi"...

    Here is your very own magical, mystical, mythical, mind-expanding "mega-welcome". Please take notice of the "Top 10 Common Issues", the Carb Rebuild Series, and the Stator Papers. Now let me roll out the welcome mat for you...

    Please click here for your mega-welcome, chock full of tips, suggestions, links to vendors, and other information. Then feel free to visit my little BikeCliff website where I've been collecting the wisdom of this generous community. Don't forget, we like pictures! Not you, your bike!

    Thanks for joining us. Keep us informed.

    Thank you for your indulgence,



      Sorry to hear about your mishap, but kudos to you for gettin 'er fixed!

      I have an 82 550, and from what I understand, the 81-82 550 is the same beast, and it's a unique beast at that... different from the pre81 and different from the post82.

      In any case, I just had my rear sprocket replaced (I know enough about mechanics to know when I'm over my head, so the shop did it).

      My original rear sprocket was 49 teeth.
      The shop couldn't find a 49 for me, and was going to go with a 50, but I wanted him to go lower, as my 65mph rpms was 6,000 or more.
      He found a 47, but it didn't fit, so he ended up going with a 45.

      Now my 65pmh rpms is about 5,400. cool beans.

      Anyhoo, there's my two cents
      "I have come to believe that all life is precious." -- Eastman, TWD6.4

      1999 Triumph Legend 900 TT


        Only idling on choke probably indicates it's lean at idle. Possible culprits:

        Dirty Carbs
        Airbox not attached or air filter missing
        Airbox not sealed well
        Rubber boot between carb and airbox not sealing well
        Rubber boot betweeen carb and engine loose or degraded

        I could be any one or combination of the above. It could also maybe be valves out of adjustment.

        Use the search function, all those topics covered many times. It boils down to you have to take a methodical approach to each potential issue and eliminate them.

        I run Pod filters, and I love them, but add another $130 or so to what the Pods cost because you'll have to buy a dynojet kit for your carbs or they won't run right with the pods.

