The question is concerning the large "O" rings that go on the bottom of the cylinder spigots before the cylinders are mated to the crankcase. What purpose do these "O" rings perform and is it essential to replace them when refitting the cylinders to the crankcase.
It appears to me that the base gasket would seal everything up OK without the need for these "O" rings.
On another subject: On the 550, the cylinder base gasket has an oval hole where the two rear/outer studs pass through the gasket. An oval "O" ring sits inside this part of the gasket to seal oil passing up to the cylinder head and camshafts.
On the GS650E engine which also uses this oval "O" ring there is no oval cutout in the base gasket to correspond with the "O" ring as is present in the 550 gasket.
Can anyone tell me why there is a difference in the 650 base gasket. It can be seen clearly on the fiches for the two different models.
If the 650 gasket which only has a round hole to fit over the stud is placed over this oval "O" ring is the general consensus that it will work OK and seal the oil being pumped up to the cylinder head.
Comments please -- anyone.