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'82 GS850GL Rebuild - A Recap

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    '82 GS850GL Rebuild - A Recap

    I want to thank all of you who helped with my '82 GS850GL rebuild questions. I really do appreciate it. I thought I should post what I've learned, so at least it's in the archives for future reference.

    I used a Vesrah VG-377 complete rebuild kit. The kit raised a few questions, along with a few problems, but in the end everything came together. First off, the chain tensioner gasket that came with the kit was for a two bolt setup instead of three, even though the kit is supposed to be for '82-'83 GS850G and GL models. Not a huge deal. I made my own gasket out of some stock, and was basically willing to look past this. Now once I had the engine almost completely back together, and was about to put the cylinder head cover gasket on (more or less the last step in the rebuild), finding that the cylinder head gasket was wrong wasn't so easy to look past. Right shape, wrong bolt holes. Needless to say I was not very happy at this point. So I contacted Vesrah, based in Japan. I have to say that the customer service (entirely by email) was excellent. Between what I told him about my part numbers and research in the Bike Bandit fiche, and his research with the gasket department, we were able to figure out that there were actually two different gaskets used for the '82 model year. **Note: If you have an '82 GS850G or GL and your engine number is at or below 155014, then you need OEM gasket #11173-45003 or #11173-45004 (they are exactly the same). If your engine number is at or above 155015 or you have an '83, then you need OEM gasket #11173-45010. For the later '82s and all '83s they added some extra bolts to deal with a problem with leaking cylinder heads.

    Now the beauty of this is that, after informing Vesrah of this problem with their kit (which only came with the later gasket), they sent me two of the correct gasket and the correct chain tensioner gasket via FedEx within a few days. Now that's my definition of customer service. Sure, that was great for me, but what about you? Well from now on both types of cylinder head cover gaskets will be included in the complete rebuild kit. Rebuilders around the globe will have no idea that when they have a choice of two cylinder head cover gaskets, of which only one will fit, they have me to thank! No word on the chain tensioner gasket though, so that job will be up to the next super hero. Anyway...

    The other question I had, which nobody seemed able to answer, was where the four small copper washers from the kit go (not the larger ones that go on the four corner head bolts). I finally figured out that they go in the carb boots bolted to the cylinder head. On each boot there is a small bolt that the copper washer fits on, separate from the bolts that secure the boot to the cylinder head. All this bolt seem to do is provide a passage to the cylinder head intake. They don't hold anything on, but that's where the copper washers go.

    So rebuild complete, no leaks, and everything runs well, but I'm still left with two questions:

    1. What is that bolt on the intake boot for? Access to spray carb cleaner or engine start stuff into?

    2. Why on earth does oil flow around the four corner head bolts?

    Oh, and now that everything is done it's time to move on. <PLUG> Actually, I'm moving on out of the country, and this bike that I put my blood, sweat, and tears into before riding it for a total 15 minutes has to go. It's on ebay now, along with a bunch of old GS parts, most of which I think are discontinued. My new baby boy has to take priority over my old baby GS. Have a look here.</PLUG>

    Thanks again guys. You're a great crowd. I'll definitely be back the next time I happen across a GS.


    Re: '82 GS850GL Rebuild - A Recap

    Originally posted by fx2ooo
    1. What is that bolt on the intake boot for? Access to spray carb cleaner or engine start stuff into?
    To screw in the carb balancer adapters in to


      Thats where you put in the adaptors for the carb balancing. Never realised they were copper.


        #1 is already answered so ----

        2. Why on earth does oil flow around the four corner head bolts?
        Oil flows to the head to feed the cams via the 4 corner bolts. Unless of course you use an external oil kit.

