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Newbie with tire problem.

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    Newbie with tire problem.

    I recently bought a '81 GS 450 L. It has a "Kenda Challenger" on the rear. 120/90 - 16. I put about 600 miles on since 2 weeks ago. Mostly country back roads and 2 lane highways. No problems. Went to the DOT course to practice figure 8's. After about 15 minutes I left the course. On the way home it felt like someone took 20 psi out of me tire. Rear swaying like crazy. Came home checked and 40 drop in pressure. Went out again tonight. Great ride there but same thing after practice. Also can someone clarify what style this tire's shaped like an inverted half moon. Thanks in advance for the help.

    I had the same problem when I first got my bike. Going slowly everything seemed fine, when up to speed though the rear started swaying like it was going to kick out. Turned out that there was a slight flat spot on the rear tire from sitting on it for such a long time and not being moved. I noticed it after putting it on the center stand and carefully putting it in first gear and it became easy to spot as it almost looked like the rim was warped. New set of tires and problems gone.


      Thanks for the reply. I "feel" like this is a cheapie tire problem, but thought I'd better get some advise instead of like ..using the force.!!!!! I have had the bike up to above highway speeds and no sway good ride. Just started after doing extended short turns. It also looks pretty good up on the stand. Well anyway thanks again for the reply. Probably some new skins are in order...



        ^ 8)


          How old is the tire?

          Rubber dries ot with time- there are volatile oils that literally evaporate out, leaving the rubber harder. You might notice nothing when riding in a straight line, but heat the tire up with a good bit of cornering and you may find yourself short on traction.

          It may also be, as you said, a cheap rire problem. I kind of figure that if my tires are the only thing that keep me from sliding down the asphalt, I should invenst in decent rubber. That doesn't necessarily mean ultra-soft, sticky skins that last 2000 miles, but it does preclude most tires that come out of Korea or Taiwan.



            Hi Bill,

            Not sure how old the tire is. It was on when I bought the bike. It dosen't show any checking and the tread is still pretty deep. Just passed Inspection.

            I figure at this point it was an inexpensive brand. I am in the market for some skins. I have been reading previous posts on the subject but have not decided on what I am going to purchase.



              Beware of Ebay for used Tires

              I inquired about a tire from Ebay ... asked the guy how old it was ... and he said he wasn't sure. I then emailed I believe it was Avon ... and they will tell you how they date code the tires, and you can use that to make your decision as to whether or not the tire is likely too old for you to get a usefull / safe life out of it...


                the best way to deal with a kenda straddle bike hold front brake on apply throttle 1st gear drop the clutch this is where a mate and camera is handy take photo's of you lighting up rear tyre to show rest of your friends then go and buy a decent tyre ps because of smaller bike might require 1/2 cup desiel to create wheek spin


                  Practicality of the last reply?........ 2 out of 5.....

                  Sound like a good idea?.....10 out of 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

                  Thanks folks for the replies......


