My son called me a couple of weeks ago, not long after taking the bike, to say that he was having problems trying to start the bike, it felt like the battery was weak. Well, a weak battery was furthest from my mind as it was a new battery and the bike was charging at 14.3 volts. After another couple of days, he said that he had gone to Batteries Plus and gotten another new battery. Because I had not bothered to send the battery receipt along with the bike (would you have?), he just bought another AGM battery. A few days later, he said the problem was back.
By now, I'm thinking there was a problem with the bike, after all, so I went to check it out. Battery voltage with key off was 11.9. Not good, but OK. Key ON, 7.2 volts. Not good. Pulled the headlight and signal fuses. Key ON, voltage 7.3 volts. Still not good. Checked voltage of the original battery, 12.9. Good. Swapped batteries. Key ON, voltage was 7.3.
Took both of the AGM batteries to the nearest Batteries Plus store (45 miles away), found out that both of them were from a bad lot that got shipped out. Amazing that one battery was purchased in oHIo, the other in Florida, and both were bad. The only battery they had to replace it with under warranty was also from the bad lot, so we upgraded to their X2 battery, which they said they have never had any problems with. Will now have to wait and see how things turn out.
The moral of this story (you knew it was coming, didn't you?) is that, just because something is NEW does not mean it's GOOD.