The bike has VM carbs. The pilot air screws (top) are adjusted out 1 1/4 turns. The pilot fuel screws (bottom) are adjusted out 5/8 turn. Both of these settings are stock I think. The air box is stock and I am using a UNI filter. The needles are stock and are set on the second notch from the top. The carbs were synched this summer, with the assistance of Brian Wringer.
The bike has developed a pop/backifre on deceleration. It only pops one time, but it is every time I decelerate. It does not do it as I am accelerating and up shifting. And today I noticed in 5th gear, 60 mph, 4K rpm, it sounds like it is only running on 3 cyclinders.
The bike starts easily using full choke and after about 15 -20 seconds I can start to close the choke. After about a minute I can close it completly. It seems to run well on the highway, other than the pop.
Once it is warm, it seems to hunt for an idle, sometimes. Sometimes the idle hangs up and if I blip the throttle once or twice, it comes down. But it almost always seems to start to climb back up after that. Other times, it dips below set idle and then starts to climb.