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ignition switch and taillight

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    ignition switch and taillight

    how come my taillight stays lit when i have the ignition switch turned completely clockwise for steering lock ? this is something i been wondering about since i found out that you can turn it all way that way and remove the key and that it locks the steering,
    i had no clue bikes locked like this.


    Re: ignition switch and taillight

    Its supposed to be that way. Turning the handlebars to the stop and then turning the key clockwise locks the forks and turns on the tail light. Turning the handlebarts to the stop and then turning the key counterclockwise locks the fork, but does not turn on any lights.
    The key has 4 positions. 1. steering locked 2. off 3. ignition on 4. steering locked, tailight on.


    Originally posted by fast68
    how come my taillight stays lit when i have the ignition switch turned completely clockwise for steering lock ? this is something i been wondering about since i found out that you can turn it all way that way and remove the key and that it locks the steering,

    i had no clue bikes locked like this.

    Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

    I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


      i can't get the key out of both of my bikes if i turn it all the way to left in the lock position.

      what's the trick here?


        Remember these are not new bikes, so both the locks and keys are worn. Your keys may not be the original keys, but re-cut from blanks. They may have been measured/cut against a worn original.

        Many owners do not use these sections of the locks, so they don't get as much wear as the main sections and the still-unworn pins and guides need an accurately-cut key.

        You may have to wiggle your key a bit to get it to work properly, or just turn your key over to use the notches on the other side , as your key is not likely to have had exactly the same wear on both sides.

        Lube the lock. Use a very light oil or graphite spray.

        Note that WD40, and similar sprays, leave very little behind once the carrier evaporates. The light oils will last longer. 1-2-3 and Castrol handyman, or even sewing machine oil will work well.

        The graphite spray leaves a dry film behind once the carrier evaporates, but be careful with it as overspray makes a black mess. Use the extension nozzle and put a paper towel under the lock when using it, to catch anything than runs through.

        Last resort (apart from replacing your locks) is to get the code from the lock and have a dealer cut a new key for you.
        A take-away:


          i have the original Suzuki key for my 79.

          i believe the key lock worked once for me...but now, like my 78, i can't get the key out if i turn it to the left all the way.


            Dont know of any trick to get key out in 'Park' or 'Lock' position, well, other than if you are not turning key all the way.

            If 'Off' is 12 o'clock and 'On' is 1 o'clock; then 'Park' is about 3 o'clock and 'Lock' is a real long throw over and around to about 8 or 7 o'clock. And cant get key all the way into position unless handlebars are all the way into position. Forks are locked way before the key gets all the way into position, but can not remove key untill key is all the way into position. (have just verified this on my 80 850G).

            Anybody that is trying this for the first time (like the markings on switch are faded or scratched off by keys and didnt know they exsist) will also need to know that you need to push key down/in to get it past the 'Off-On' position. And you probably realize that you dont want to use the 'Park' (which has the taillight on) unless you know you are going to be back fairly soon (an hour or so) or in addition to 'parking' you will also be doing a 'battery test'.
            Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
            GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



              what position do i have to have the handlebars in to lock them?

              it doesn't want to work for me if i have them in the upright position. i can get the key to the lock position, full left, but it wont come out.



                well..youknow,,, i onlyhave threepositions and locked is with lighton onlyand there is no lock without light on, this is clockwiseall the wayover for lock and lighton, and all way counter clockwise is off and no lights and between themi s on lights and engine run

                idontbelieve we are all talking about the same thing here.

                i justwant to lock and no lights on my switch or keyare not wornout, they work perfectly,. key comes out in off and lock postions but not run, in which is completely correct

                sowhat gives ? who the hell designed a bike to lock and have the taillight left on, thats about retarted ...

                damn japs, wheres their brains at sometimes ?



                  ok n/m, i found out whats up, i found lock and no lights, its wayyyyyyy over counter clockwise way over down.

                  aha !

                  japs arent so bad after all, so far, still. i suppose



                    how do you get your key out when its all the way over to the left!!!


                      Originally posted by AOD
                      how do you get your key out when its all the way over to the left!!!
                      it justcomesout ?

                      turn it jiggle it a littlemore counter clockwise after you think its all the way ove,r it goes really far before stopping for good when youre turning it, and then it comes out the key is almost straight up and down but 180 from ON/RUN position,then it comes right out simple, may have to lock the steering before removing key maybe, if it locks then it should be far enough to comeout.



                        how do you lock the steering then? i tried it when i got home...turned it full left. key looked like this ---.

                        no dice.


                          are your handlebars all the way turned to the left?


                            that's what i'm asking Jeckler. what do i have to do to lock them? put the key in, turn it to left full, turn handlebars to left full?

                            i put the key in, the handlebars were already turned full left, and turn the key to LOCK, then it wouldn't come out as normal.


                              If the bars lock when both they and the key is turned all the way left (it ends up stopping around 7 o'clock), but you can't pull it out, it sounds like something is wrong with the igntion switch. Nothing you're doing wrong.

