And they consist of nearly the entire gaskets leaking....not just one little spot!
1.) Valve top assembly(Leaking)
2.) Upper Head Assembly (Leaking) (not sure if that's the technical name on a bike, please look at the pics)
Okay, you really can't see all the oil, I wiped it up a few times, but basically it's THOSE TWO ENTIRE gaskets.....
1.) Valve Gasket......leak runs COMPLETELY around the engine....not just the Half-Moon area.
2.) Upper Head Leak......leak runs almost completely around the engine, but is the Worst towards the front.....
So my questions are......
1.) According to the manual, i remove the gas tank, get any bull**** out of the way, etc, etc.....then I just take off like 12 bolts, right?(or whatever bolts hold it on basically)
2.) Do I have to take the camshaft off, or does it just stay bolted to the upper assembly when I remove it.
3.)When I take the Upper Head assembly off(whatever u call it), do I need to be worried about the pistons sticking out or anything?(TDC looks like it's right below this gasket area.)
4.) The manual says that these bolts need to be Re-tightened every now and you think tightening them will stop the oil leak, or should I just go with my original plans and replace the gaskets all-together?
5.) Anything else that I should know about BEFORE I starting tearing **** apart?
Thanks guys, any tips or "heads-up" would be greatly appreciated.
Trying to get this bike ready before summertime.
And I swear, every time I fix one thing, something else happens!