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    Its ALIVE!

    Well, swapped engines, did valve clearance, rebuilt carbs, engine looked good, but still had doubts, 55,000 miles, low compression, and had sat for umpteen years in somebodies backyard.. After sorting out main electrical plugins, figured better try to start before spending anymore money.. Stuck the carbs on, spun her without plugs until oil pressure came up, put the plugs in her, (had to swap coil leads backfired ball of flame) and it fired off, purred, how cool is that? Damn old GS engines do run forever, no smoke, and all cylinders hitting... Now I get to spend more money on paint, tires, upholstery, ect.... But, ITS ALIVE! Evil laugh follows...


    What an excellent way to start the day, with news of another resurrected GS. Now you've gone and done it. You've reached critical mass. You've fallen beyond the event horizon. You've gone past the point of no return. Full reverse thrusters will be ineffective. You will be assimilated.

    Nice work. Take a few pictures while it's coming together.

    Thank you for your indulgence,



      My cousins got some Kawa's and Hondas laying around the yard, he said they ran 2 years back, but then wouldn't start suddenly.
      He said he'd give them both to me for FREE.....i think I might try a couple resurrections of my own!

      My brother's Kawa 250 wouldn't run for months, It took me like 2 hours to wrestle it out of the garage, patch up the gas tank, create a make-shift air filter, clean the spark plugs up, fresh gas, drop of gas in the cylinder...fired right up!

      I learned so much from my GS already, i feel like I can get anything to start up.....



        Here are a few.. Right after buying them..

        After a quick triage, liked the looks of the engine in the second pic, and the frame of the first pic. Sooooooo, pulled both engines, and did a quick teardown and regasket of it..

        And now have.. Lots more work to do..

        Its alive!

