you know what this is for (in regards to these bikes) right:
LEFT: 1 - 4
RIGHT: 2 - 3
well now I do as well! SPARK PLUG WIRE to cylinder routing

when I traded my shotgun for this bike, the PO had the wires routed left: 1-2 and right:3-4
ran like poo to say the least. I read this site, bikeclliff's.. anything I could find on these bad boys... tore it apart to nothing... and cleaned, repaired, rebuilt, replaced, fabricated, upgraded, shimmed, reshimmed, sync'd, RE-sync'd... re-cleaned... then sync'd some more.....
all to be thwarted by my common sense

"plug wire routing" I thought to myself.... wow. I've rebuilt supercars for years now, and am glad that a simple brain fart can put you back in perspective with how things work.

and I should thank the GS RESOURCES once again for their vast collection of information (correct information) that has helped save another amazing machine from the nasty grip of barn-death.
my beauty is up and screaming thanks to yall!