My 78' GS100E has ceased to charge itself.
Before I explain where I am at with it let me give you this little nugget to keep in back of your mind. Shortly before this charging issue surfaced, I was cruising down the road on a cold morning (38deg or so). About 2 blocks away from my house and before the bike had fully warmed up, I heard a mild "pop" and the bike shut down. I got her turned around for a walk back to the house when I thought, "Hmmm, no cluster lights", I stopped and pulled off the side panel and discovered that I had blown the 15a main fuse.
Fortunately I had an extra and plunked it in, bike fired right up. I rode around the next couple of days with no trouble, then on the third day while running down the highway, pop, at 75 in the fast lane, then no power again. Being rather retentive about my bad luck, I had already replaced the spare, popped in another and away I rode. The 2nd fuse was however replaced with a 20a fuse and I had no trouble for a few weeks of regular riding.
That brings me to the point that it began to fail in charging. I came home one night with badly dimming headlamp and after that I started throwing it on the maintenance charger every night when I parked it. The problem got worse and worse until it just stopped charging altogether.
I got myself a fresh battery and started going through the system per the maintenance manual troubleshooting steps.
1st step) pop out headlamp fuse and hook up a voltmeter to the pos and neg. Start bike and take her up to 5 Grand. If V goes up to between 14-15 volts you're ok...
mine dropped like a rock to 11v.
2nd step) Check rectifier for one way conductivity...
With Neg probe to grd on the rectifier I was supposed to have continuity through yellow, white/blue and white/red...
With pos probe to grd, I was supposed to have no continuity through the same wires.
1st pass, I only had continuity through 2 of the 3 wires.
2nd pass in the other direction. same exact readings.
I will upload and add pics shortly.