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one single green wire to dowith tailor stoporturn ??

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    one single green wire to dowith tailor stoporturn ??

    whyinthe *@%^$*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$ is there a single light green wire above and at frontof the rear wheel tub all withthe tail stop turn wiring harnesses ?

    what is it for ? my frickin rear turns dont blink same side as my fronts !

    theres not enoughmatching color ends of wires !

    my brake light works however

    brownand white have pair of matching ends so thats all good there.,

    theres a billion black ends and black with white stripe wire ends,.....

    one is a four way black with white stripesoi put all the white stripe black wires onit and well i guess thats not right ?

    this is some bull crap....
    if same color wire ends are not supposed ot go together then what the heck is the point of even coding them ? why didnt they just make them all the same color then ? im tiredof taking this bike apartand endingupwithsome new frickin problem.....jeesh!


    GS450L 1980......


    GET A MANUAL!!!!!!!!! SHEEESH!!!!!!!!!!


      Originally posted by moto_dan
      GET A MANUAL!!!!!!!!! SHEEESH!!!!!!!!!!

      i dont have time or resources to get a manual at this split second

      thanks for your "help"

      if everyone goes around saying what ytou just toldme then whats the point of a message board ?

      doyou ever see caror truck boards telling ppl to get a manual when they ask technical Q's about said cars or trucks ? VERY rarely, everyonce in a long while,if even that. i have 16,000 plus posts on one single GM truck board i have been a member of for years now, and we rarely refer them to a manual, we 95% of the time simply post the info that does help them

      why is it so different in the motorcycle world ?

      i am baffled.


        and you know what, not even two minutes after i just got done replying the last time just now above, i went out to the bike and swapped around the solid black wire on boththe rear turns and i found out its the light green wire for the right hand turn and the solid black next to the light green is for the left hand turn,

        now how complicated is that,and does that really require a manual ?

        you should see the wiringon cars and trucks for the rear lights, thats where manual should really be needed,but no, we just simply tell anyone asking about how to wire up the lights what color is for what, its not hard to type a few sentences and explain in plain english what does what

        all it was inmy case just now was a mix up between two simple wires, the solid black and sold light green,

        i wonder about this message board and about howmuch some of the members here really care about attempting to helpout fellow riders.

        horrible... !

        factory wiring and what each wire is for is something you can learn just by experience and/or by having someone who has learned int he same fashion simply make an explanation

        its really not that hard....

        if you do not agree, then well i cannot help or explain you.

        AOD and a couple other members here have been more than friendly and helpful, unlike that in which i can say about a certain few others !

        good day


          Holy F#@K!!!!!!!!!!

          temper, temper
          Currently bikeless
          '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
          '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

          I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

          "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


            FYI - The black wires with a white stripe are all grounds.



              Fast68, you have to appreciate the fact that (obviously) MCs are much different than old chevy trucks,and not just in the amount of wheels. While I've had 3 different GS's, each was unique in the color coding of wires, from my experience. This was just a difference between the years, not to mention difference between models and engines.For instance the 'L' model uses a different frame than the 'E'(4 valve w/adj. screw) or 'G' models(which are shaft driven 2 valvers w/shim under bucket adj.), some of the smaller displacement models use a 2 cylinder,the rest are 4s.They also have a completely different clutch release mechanism.Between 81-82 they added 2 more bolts to the cam cover on 1100s, but the heads will interchange. Between 82-83 they changed the cam timing on the 1100 and started welding the cranks. This is all an aside to the far more numerous amounts of bolts, that due to bi-metal applications need to be torqued precisely to a given value, different model carbs, etc. etc. I almost sh it when I read you did the cam chain adjustment with the bike running!! After I posted the procedure, did you even read it? There's just too many ways you can screw up working on something without using the correct manual and specs for your particular yr. and model bike. The folks here like to help out when they can, but you need to step up and pay attention to what's being said,or it's only going to come back and bite you. I believe you owe Dan an apology, he was telling you True.


                After having read several fast68's posts, I have to add my 2 cents worth: WELL SAID DAVE.

