I suppose at this time there which a only need for a good cleaning of the carbs.
I cleaning undertakes. I entirely dismount the carbs thoroughly. I clean each parts with a product especially designed for that.
The carbs was nevertheless in a good state. I go up the whole, I adjust the float on the level to suggest in the shop manual Suzuki (20.5 mm.) and I carry out the installation on the motor bike. I place the petcock at prime, to fill the bowls. The gas overflows at this time by the bottom air jet carb.
I then turn the petcock to ON, they stop leaking. I entrepend to run the engine bike. Surprised! The carbs leak again.
After several meetings goes up and dismounts without success, I suppose that there is a problem with the floats and the needle valve. I decide all then to buy new.
I bring the carbs in my Suzuki master mecanic. It installs and adjusts again needle valve, needle valve seat, oring, float, pilot jet, and main jet. It says to me that all is ok. I reinstall the carbs on the bike, I turn the petcock to prime they still overflows by the bottom air jet. I different experiment undertakes then.
Float higher, float lower still not of success. I cannot any more what make. There is to you it somebody who can help me? The carbs is two dual barrel Mukini BSW 30SS
Thanks for help.
