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Exhaust ?, Can I get a quieter baffle for my V&H?

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    Exhaust ?, Can I get a quieter baffle for my V&H?

    Whatever baffle that is in my pipe is WAY too loud, and I am wondering where I can get a replacement baffle that will tone it down a bit. I like to know the engine is running, but I swear this thing could make your ears bleed Here is a pic of the current setup...

    That is the original V&H baffle. It shouldn't be too loud if the fiberglass is still there. The fiberglass will last a lot longer if you wrap screen wire around the baffle before you put the fiberglass on it. wrap the fiberglass as tight as you can, and put all you can on there and still get the baffle back in. You can use masking tape to hold the fiberglass on while reinstalling the baffle. Regular house insulation will work, but any parts house & even Wal-Mart has fiberglass mat, the original stuff.


      The only GS 1100 E engines that were black, were the "83" engines. Either your engine has been painted or you have an "83" engine transplanted in your "81" bike.


        I think the engine has been painted, it appears to be anyways. The cap you see at the end of the muffler is just that, a cap. There is no baffle in there at all, and its very very loud (I have flowmaster 40s on my truck and that would be 'quiet' compared to this thing ) However I did go to my local cycle shop today and ordered a new replacement baffle, $21 should be here next week...Looks like ill have to rejet, never done it on a bike, get to learn something new


          The guy must have cut the centre pipe off the baffle. Usually a cycle parts shop will carry universal baffles that you can slide into the megaphone. They may not be the proper diameter but you just have to slide it into the meg a little further and drill a hole to bolt it in place. i have a pro stock exhaust and when the baffle((WITH FIBERGLAS))is in place it had a strong but enjoyable exhaust tone and the bottom end is much smother also.
          I just read that you have ordered a replacement. Dont be too quick to rejet. Ride it a bit first and then read the plugs.


            I run three combos of baffling on my bike. It is jetted for the comp v&h baffle wich would be simalar to your baffle if yours is only a cap with no fiberglass. (simalar in the amount of restriction and air that can move through it) I run this baffle with and without the fiberglass and the plugs read very similar. I also have the stock v&h baffle (smaller dia. hole) and run that if im gonna be on the highway for a long period of time and dont want the noise. I do not have to re-jet when I switch them. however if I run the stock baffle the plugs do burn a little richer but the bike runs fine. If you have smoothbores then it probably has already been jetted for the v&h pipe most likley. So like Scottty said, ride it first and read your plugs you probably wont have to re jet. Did you order the comp. baffle or the stock v&h baffle? I have used them both and love the comp baffle. i f you are not really into the throttle its not that loud but does deliver more hp........................skip


              I just ordered the stock replacement, that was the only one they could order I guess. I will ride it and see what it does with the new baffle. Thanks guys.



                If I was you I would leave the baffles out and get hearing protection. I was hit one and a half years ago by a motorist that claims she never saw me. I was on a 1980 GS-1100 and was directly in front of her. Yep she ran me over because my "Small" 1100 (her words) was hard to see. Next day I took a Sawzall to the baffles rejetted the bike and have never even been close to being hit. They know i'm there now for sure.


                  Well thats a nice suggestion, but I need as little attention from the local athority as possible...and a very loud pipe on the bike doesnt help much...

