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Tracking down a VIN number

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    Tracking down a VIN number

    i'm trying to do some detective work on my new bike....

    the title i have matches the VIN number on the engine (according to the dealer early 80's bikes used the engine vs the frame...where would i look on the engine to confirm that.?) - however this VIN when my insurance company ran it cane back as an 81 GS550 (its a GS650G)

    the tag attached to the key i got from the dealer said it was an 82 650...

    i think i'm ok from a legal ownership standpoint because i brought this up with the dealership prior to taking delivery and they gave me the engine VIN line...

    i'm just trying to figure it out from a parts ordering standpoint....?

    i have the frame be interested to see what that came back as...

    anybody out there have the means to run a VIN...?


    I did this a couple weeks ago on the GL I picked up.
    If I remember correctly, I couldn't get any detailed info on it, but I think it was that I went to. If you put the VIN in, it will come back and tell you what it is.

    PS: I've never heard of a DMV that goes on engine number alone. Most go by VIN as the primary, and in the case of a motorcycle, they want the engine number as well.

    The engine number is on the right side, on the case under where the clutch cable comes across from the left side. It's hidden under the rubber boot. It should begin with "GS650G-" then have a series of numbers (6 I think).


      I've never heard of not using the frame VIN as the title VIN. I'd go back to the dealer and make them straighten this out.


        So i plugged in the frame VIN and it comes back as a invalid vin..?
        the VIN on the title comes back as a 81 with a 600cc V2-F1..
        whatever that means.....

        the engine number did start with GS650G - i couldn't make out the rest without dong something drastic with the clutch cable.....

        i think i'll call the dealer and ask where exactly the VIN on the title is located on my bike..i dont see an actual VIN anywhere on the engine...


          hmmm i just plugged in that frame VIN at a different website and it came back as a 82 Suzuki....but nothing else....?


            the vin # is usually on the right sie of the steering head and is always on the ownership papers, Most states also use the engine # too.


              "hmmm i just plugged in that frame VIN at a different website and it came back as a 82 Suzuki....but nothing else....?"

              What was the different site? I tried pluggin my VIN in to autocheck, and it came back as invalid because it isn't 17 characters or something like that (bike made before the VIN's got long)




                  Please check the length of your vin and try again. The Consumer Guide? Vehicle History Report requires a 17 digit VIN. If your vehicle is older than 1981, you may not be able to run a VHR.

                  Guess it didn't work there either. mine's a 79


                    In MA, the frame stamp is the bike identifier, except in a few circumstances. On your bike, it would definitely be the frame stamp in this state. Steve

