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ticking noise in engine

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    ticking noise in engine

    my own crankshaft was broken so I replaced a second hand crankshaft. my own piston are assemble on the crankshaft. I brought my bike to the repair shop and they said that the valve of the fouth cilinder are curved. So I took the cilinderhead off the engine but lateron the valves are is good chape. then they guessed the bowlpusher are stuck, but the wearn't.

    So my question is what can be the noise in my engine. Can it be a pistonpen.

    Thank you very much for now.

    Greetings Wesley from the Netherlands.

    Another Dutch forum member!

    Welcome Wesley!

    I understand from your post that the ticking appeared after you replaced the crankshaft.
    Any idea where the noise is coming from? Top end or crank case? The people at the shop seem to have suggested that it had something to do with the valves or camshafts.
    One possibility might be one or more loose bolts in the cam bearing caps (the caps that keep the camshaft in place).

    Perhaps you could give us some more info on the ticking noise:
    Do you hear it all the time when the engine is running, or only at certain revs? Or only when the engine is warm or cold?


      What's a bowlpusher?

      Now that you have it apart, check clearances. The connecting rod side play, piston skirt clearance, etc.



        I have it on good authority that the ticking noise on some models of the GS should be simply ignored. However the first thing you would need to do is check the shim size on your valves. However some GS's make there own version of annoying noises. For instance my bike (a 1982 suzuki GS-1100) Makes a Clunking noise. I was very worried about it as I didn't notice it when I bought it and after running the bike for a while and taking it to several mechanics I found that nobody knew what they could do. Well I came across and older guy who just happened to have worked for the Suzuki Corporation in the 80's in their Motorcycle division. He assured me that all the problem on my model is simply a engineering mistake of too thin a cylinder wall in certain areas in that make. So you hear what sounds like Piston Slap is really not enough insulation from noise. I have had that clunk for 15,000 miles now and it has not affected my bike at all. However since it is not exactly the same as my problem check your shims on your valves as too much clearance will make a ticking .


          Originally posted by Swanny
          What's a bowlpusher?
          .....a stoner looking for some dank nugs.........


            someone told me that this ticking noise come from the big end of the crank shaft? can anyone help me with it. I hope it is not or else hard working wesley

            thank you very much

            wesley from the netherlands


              Hmm, have you adjusted your valves recently? How about an exhaust leak, they have kind of a ticking sound - but my ears are shot anymore so don't trust me.


                Mine has ticked (I kinda describe it as a tapping but whatever) since I acquired it and I thought it was something wrong. My buddy has gone through about 10 bikes and has 3 now and he had an gs850 for a number of years and says it sounds perfect. I guess its just me. I was going to change to 20/50 oil as I have seen some here suggest but he said not to bother and it will only cause more problems than solutions once it gets colder out.


                  A bit difficult to diagnose as the GS engine is relatively noisy if you are used to a modern engine (modern to me is late 80s on!).

                  I have a 78 GS1000. With standard cams, a ticking noise from the top end is a valve shim needing adjusting. With aftermarket cams the clearances are greater, a more mechanical noise (nice I think!). The original cams have sound deadening ramps to meet noise restrictions.

                  Other noises are the usual cam end float, a usual thing. many GSs have cams that move a little in the plain bearings due to machining tolerances. It goes away with sligh revs.

                  Sometime a tick can also be due to a leaking exhaust gasket..had one of those a while ago. Sounds much like a loose valve, goes awya when warm or with revs. Check the tension on the header bolts, but dont over tighten. If in doubt listen around that area and replace the gaskets.

                  At the moment mine has started a noise at idle and when starting off in first gear. Not clutch related, perhaps somewhere around the front sprocket, does not sound like stator/starter but will have to check.

                  Thats all obvious things I can think of after 23 years with my GS1000

