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On the Verge of Selling the Whole *@#$ Thing

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    On the Verge of Selling the Whole *@#$ Thing

    Okay, I have an 82 GS 1100 GL (duh)..
    Last year, I burned some wires and the fuse block. I replaced the fuse block, replaced the RR and some of the wires. I also soldered some connections, that had butt splices, slip plugs, etc. Well, As some of you may know, the bike has not been charging since then (I don't think it has).

    Well, I went out to start the bike yesterday afternoon, (after riding to work with no problems), nothing. Deader than dirt, no lights or anything.
    I shorted the solenoid, and the thing turned over as pretty as you please. Would not start. It would crank until the cows come home, but would not start. It almost seems as if the ignition is not making contact or something. Well, I opened up the fuse block, and low and behold, there is a 15 amp fuse that is melted into the block... AGAIN !

    I need help seriously. I am on the verge of either tearing the bike down, ripping all the wires off of it, and starting over anew, or selling the blasted thing now ! It is an 1982 GS1100GL with ONLY 15,000 miles. I just do not think I should have these kind of problems with this thing. Anyone near my area want to offer up a few hours of their expertise and come visit in exchange for lunch and some cold drinks (hint hint, wink wink).. ?

    Otherwise, what is a strong running (when it starts) bike worth out there in the GS world ?

    I'd be happy to take it off of your hands!! No charge!!(no pun intended) 8)

    I'd also be happy to help tear into with you to see what we can find ...

    What part of town are you in?? Send me a PM and we'll hook up.


      that sucks dude! hey think of it as a game and do not give up. once you figure it out, you will be smarter than you started.

      this one time, my uncle was in japan laying bricks, and he had this wart under his nose, so he grew a moustache to hide it, weird looking guy, wore a kimono with his construction hat, and always died his hair black.

      in those days if you had a nickel, for everytime you were broke, would you be rich or poor? as he is laying them, a jetski falls off the trailer and breaks his leg, trapping him in the kimono. everyone thought it was a joke, and tried imitating the angle of his leg, and his assistant Hossenfela Rouminiken could not hear him. Hossenfela Rouminiken was a casket maker originally, and was laid off due to lack of work.

      Coincidence? I think not. but lessons will be taught, as in the case of the state of Arkansas versus Mr. Joe Pecci. I have changed the name to protect the innocent, cause it was a totally different state. Which came first the chicken or....wait a minute.... i'm rambling on here...which came first, the song or the show....bad boys bad boys, whatcha gonna do, bad boys bad boys whacha gonna do, whacha gonna do when they come for you.

      so you think your a pornstar eh? my mom once told me you think its hard to make it now? apparently i have a great great great aunt who was a pornstar....BEFORE they invented the motion picture. im sick of watching movies or motion pictures, so i got motion sickness somebody better get me a barfbag....and make sure it does not leak. there is nothing worse than watching a motion picture in a theater with the guy in front of you filling a barf recepticle, and suddenly the president gets shot, and the shoter hides in the theatre.

      now i could go on and i will.

      met a guy yesterday.......he said he was bi-polar. we all know what BI means but where does he meet the bears? but that is not the issue, so don't focus on it, focus on this instead.

      as i sit here thinking, with pen in hand, i think to myself.........
      sigh, imagine this, you could take a laptop, with a huge hard drive and type in everything that is written in a good set of encyclopedias, scan all the pictures and save everything on your hard drive....but the laptop would not get any heavier. but then how would you dry leaves in the fall? you know....when they put them between the pages... ummmmm coke classic is good. pepsi is great too, but not that vanilla stuff, it makes me think im drinking a cake...that fell in some coke. like that commercial that has a tv on it....and while you watch the add, you think to yourself man that tv has a better picture than mine, but its in your you record it, rewind it and pause it. my friends come in sand say, wow, nice picture. the stupid ones say, wow when did you get the new tv? apparently there is a porno you can rent called bandcamp. heard lots about it, i gotta rent it, but i cannot take the vcr off pause or i will lose my new tv.

      boy was that a long paragraph.this one will not be.

      so ya as i was saying, when i type alot, my testicle hurts so i tied my umbilical cord to my dance partners, so we now dance better. in croation, we call the belly button POOPAK. kind of like the rapper who was shot. TUPAK.......TUPAK HAD A POOPAK too, we all do. my friend had her belly sliced open, and they removed the fat, and there was too much skin left over, so they took some skin off too. she has to go back she tells me for "ADJUSTMENTS". huh? ya she said, they still have to give me a belly button. I would not go back for that. imagine seeing me on a beach with no poopak. where would all the extra lint go? the next hole down is the urethra. is that how ya spell it? look it up. man my sister types 1000 words a second, she types so fast it sounds as if she is talking.

      but then again my cousin talks so slow, it sounds as if she is talking backwards. i dunno which one is worse. when i type it called the hunt and peck like a chicken when i type.

      fish eat other fish, is that like a cannibal? or do they just go down on each other. im sorry if i offended anybody with that line...or o they just go down on each other. im sorry if i offended anybody with the linee.....OH JUST FORGET ABOUT IT.

      nature....isn't it great. the nature of things.....great show. DR DAVID SUZUKI...what kind of bike does he ride.

      met a dj once at the end of the night...i was HAMMERED, so i said whats in there? he said its a kareoki 750. i said wow they make em small. in quebec we have many kareoki concours. then my sober friend told me...he said kareoki, not kawasaki you idiot. so just then i felt like an idiot.

      speaking of asia. what about the guy who writes all the little notes in the cookies.rule number one, use as little words as possible. no wonder his name was "CONFUSE US".

      that same uncle, loves watermelons, so he ate a seedless one and was still spitting. so i said, hey what the f_ _ _. then he said "force of habbit"

      saints must exist, many towns here are saint something or other. how come no one names stuff after the devil...other than ski slopes and motorcycle exhausts.

      what if god was on the computer, what would his user name and password be? mine is maxinmontreal and my password is suzuki, as in the good DR. now many of you think i should not have said that. so forget i said anything.

      hmmm now where was i? oh i would say my real password. they say always mix words and numbers for passwords, when it comes to important sites, not that this one is not important....but where i buy and sell my stocks the password goes by those rules. so my password there is the word ONE. ha. go ahead hackers, figure that one out.

      ok im back, had a MSN message from Bill gates. sent me a beer emoticon. i told him there was a rumour, about him. he said what max? then i told him about the email that if you send it to a lot of people, bill gates will give you lots of money. for sure its not true, how do you know bill said. bill you still owe me 12 bucks i lent you when you started the company, remember? you needed a wrench tho throw into someones spokes. what was the name of the guy who started apple? not Eve, she just started an arguement. the snake told her...snake my a s s. ask the crocodile hunter, snakes dont talk.....even if she is a beauty.....CRIKEY!

      my friend plays ping pong. says it makes him feel tall. i play volleyball to make me feel short. then there is tenis. i dont like that one, so i wont talk about it.

      ok i hope all my efforts made you forget your electrical problem for a bit. if not, just start reading from the top. this is all i can do. you live to far, can you still send me a beer?






          Since you have identified your problem as a fuse that melts itself into the fuse block, I would suggest you buy a new fuse block.

          I am wondering if you already re-used the fuse block after a prior meltdown.

          If so, (and even if not) it is entirely possible that your internal connections within the fuse block are very dirty. That creates resistance and, since ALL the current that powers your bike goes through that fuse, that means there is a constant load on the fuse, instead of it simply having current run through it.

          This effectively turns the fuse into an appliance and, when the appliance overheats, due to too-great demand, it melts the plastic around it.

          BTW the fuse never blows because the load passing through it does not exceed its electrical limits; it is the resistance around the fuse that is the problem as it causes heat.
          Bertrand Russell: 'Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.'


            some were

            in the wiring your shorting out you crossed your wire or connected it wrong and and its melting fuses in the back of your manaul and look at the wire specs and trace what you did and if its not charging you could of burnt the stator along with the fuse box or housing

