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My "New" Bike Died

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    Using a 1.5 amp/hour charge, you must let the battery stay on "charge" for AT LEAST 10 HOURS before looking at what your sytem is capable of doing.

    You will not get an accurate reading from your system, except the alternator/stator output (which you disconnect to read) until the battery is FULLY charged.

    As suggested already, if the battery was left uncharged for some time, it may not recover, but it could come back pretty well, if it is given a L . . o n. .g charge cycle. That means a trickle charge for a full day. Then a run-down by using up whatever charge there is ...then do it again.

    The sulphates that build up on the plates in your battery sometimes will clean up, but will only do so under a fair charge, and only if they are encouraged. That is why you drain the "fresh" charge, (which is probably only a small part of the battery's actual capacity) and then re-charge the battery.
    Bertrand Russell: 'Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.'


      We're charging now! I replaced all connections between the stator and the RR last night and took the ground from the RR to the battery. I'm getting about 14.2-14.3 at 5000 now, a huge difference! I took it for a ride last night and everything seemed to be working good (knock on wood). Just in time to enjoy what looks like a beautiful weekend and next week looks like it isn't going to be too shabby as well.

      Thanks again to everyone for the advice.

