I brought it home and scrubbed it again, using a very rough scrub brush with a strong mixture of soap and water, rinsed it well, and let it dry before putting it back on the bike.
After that, I took it out for a brief ride....two minutes from home to the nearest gravel road.
Drive for about a mile, then stop to wait for traffic to clear.....one mini-van.
Stop in about two inches of gravel. Put it in first...open the throttle, let it spin down to solid stuff and then carry on a little way. Stop again. Put it in first...roll the bike, then open the throttle.
Funny, it actually hops. 8O The tire spins, catches, lifts the front wheel, runs out of traction, front wheel drops, rear wheel can't decide what to do as it hits a hole on the washboard road and jumps up in the air as well. Rear tire spins again and then the front comes up and repeats. Does all this in seconds.
Never knew that. In fact, I never before saw any bike actually hop.
Anyone watching would surely have thought I was insane. (withheld comments will be appreciated)
I just found the hopping to be one of the funniest things I have done on a bike in years.
Back onto paved road and head back home.
Total driving time...fifteen minutes. The tire is FULLY broken in.
What do you do?