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Starting Fluid gets the motor going!

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    Starting Fluid gets the motor going!

    This is a 1982 GS850GL,

    Ok so now I've gotten the motor to run, but the catch is I need to give a light squirt of Starter fluid every few seconds to keep it going, and within 5-8 seconds after I stop spraying it goes dead. Regardless of if I open the throttle or not. Any help would be great!

    Put the air box back on.

    Do you have the air box on? A good new air filter with oil in it? Make sure the filter is tight to the air box. My air filter as well as the seal around the rim went to dust. If all this is done you may need some more carb work.

    A good dip and new rebuild kits are the way to go. Spend now and do it once.


      I take it that the bike didn't get ridden for some period of time. How long did the bike sit and how was it prepared for the down time?


        The bike set for nearly five years after the engine and carbs had been rebuilt. They were not properly cared for. At the time i have no air filter on it since the one that came on it was missing and I'm waiting to see it run before investing in K&N filters.


          Put the stock system back on.

          Put the stock system back on. If you don't have it and want to get the K&N system you will have to re-jet the carbs. Even if you don't have the stock system it might be cheaper to find one. After you get it going smoothly you can decide if you want to change it over.


            It wont run right with out some type of filters on there be it stock or aftermarket. No filters lets in too much air. At the least put the air box back on and leave off the side panel for the filter access. Sparay in your starter fluid and then put the access cover back on. It might with at least that little restriction run for a few minutes. Not very well but it should run.


              OK so here is today's update. I put the air box back on and stuffed some paper towels in the port to constrict the air flow a little. It still took Some starter fluid to get it going but once going if I kept the RPM's above 3,000 it would stay going I had it running for about a minute before I decided that I really need to get an air filter to limit the air even more and that would probably solve all the problems that ails me. Thanks to everyone for their help.


                Mark, I've got an extra air filter and cage that it goes on off of an 850 if you need them just let me know. You can have them just for the cost of shipping.


                  I think that you'll still probably need to do a thorough carb cleaning even after you get the air filter, if you want the bike to run right through all throttle/gear combinations. After all, the bike has been sitting for five years. Mine sat for only a year and it needed several carb cleanings.


                    OK so here is the update. I had a K&N filter overnighted from a local Autozone for an incredible $29.95 including tax. I brought it home put the red stuff on it let it set for a bit and then put it in. Noticing that something must be missing cause it doens't seem to fit right inside the box, and the manual isn't much help in this department. So I stuffed some paper towels in the empty area under the filter to keep it flush against the upper housing of the air box.
                    I turned the engine over and it didn't want to get going so I gave it a small squirt of Starter fluid and it turned right on, but didn't run for long, just a few seconds. "Knock, Knock!! Any one home, McFly?" I guess after the last episode I ran out of gas, Ok so I added another gallon to the tank and. BadaBing!!! It started right up with no hesitation at all.
                    Well, the thorn in this story is now then RPM won't drop below 5,000. And I"ve gone over the adjustments on the outside and everthing seems to be ok. Does anyone have any advise where I should go from here to get the RPM's down to normal and get this thing on the hoghway?
                    Thaks everyone for their help!


                      High idle=Lean condition, iirc. Check for air leaks, check your carbs (and CLEAN THEM IF YOU HAVEN"T). Try your mixture screw and idle adjust screw.


                        I sprayed Carb cleaner all over and inside the ventura of the carb, what else is going to be required of cleaning?


                          ohh, if only it was that easy

                          Carb Cleanup

                          Follow that guide (I printed it, very handy to have)

                          I picked up O-rings from Napa auto, and was very careful with gaskets, so I didn't buy rebuild kits. Be VERY careful with the "air screw". Spray liquid wrench and heat BEFORE EVEN TRYING...I stripped my first two out bad.

                          WD40 sprayed around the boots can help find air leaks I think. Not sure, as I haven't reached that part of troubleshooting yet, I still have to tear the darn engine apart and get that washer out.

                          Best of luck on your bike


                            Make sure the manifolds are sealed.

                            Make sure the manifolds are sealed. I'm sure the carbs still need an overhaul. It sounds like you also have an intake leak between the head and manifolds. You will have to chip out the old hard flat O-rings, get new ones and install them with a little grease.

                            Sounds like you have a runner there.... U just need to learn the voodoo of the GS carb system. Second only to the voodoo of the charging system.

